Wikinger March Update

Hello Wikingers! Another month has passed, another patch is out. In March the Devs will be marching (<– got it? MARCHing… hehe) towards the first British doctrine. 3.1.9 Hotfix/Balance/New Stuff Patch
Hello Wikingers! Another month has passed, another patch is out. In March the Devs will be marching (<– got it? MARCHing… hehe) towards the first British doctrine. 3.1.9 Hotfix/Balance/New Stuff Patch
Hello Wikingers! It’s been a month since we last updated you, it seems so long since last year was weekly updates! We won’t keep you waiting, we’re going to jump right in….
Hello Wikingers! New Doctrine – U.S. Artillery Regiment The year 2018 has just begun and we are looking eager towards the next major update – the U.S. Artillery Doctrine.
IRON WILL is public now! The Wikinger Devs have been working since months on it, and now it is finally ready.