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  • in reply to: PzJager Trupp Fix – Mystalicious #14819

    Pretty good. Removing camo move and sprint fire in return for VTF, smokes, Riegel’s. Honestly, I don’t think you need the novelty buffs. Smokes are going to have a negative impact on churchills, not to mention I think that Starbuck’s point about the smoke is a good one: blinding the crew forces it back anyway, or just each shreck, no to mention is would also screw with supporting infantry. I would be an ability that seems hard to mod, and would be a nuisance to deal with. Riegel’s… I don’t think shreck squads should get any ability to snare tanks.  VTF… fine. Not a huge fan, but if sprint is gone…

    The sprint suggestion is positively brilliant, I love it! Like, not letting them fire while sprinting ALONE would be a huge step forward. Nice one. Lets make at least this clear.

    Love the SID suggestion, no arguments there at all.

    Luft changes: I agree.

    Panzer Zestorer… the more I look at your post, the less I hate this squad.

    Assault pack: Honestly, 100% fine with how this works atm. exchanging the faust 100 for a 60 is probably a great idea because of the defensive pack being a better offensive pack in every way.

    Defensive pack: The fact that it still has 3 shrecks already kind of renders everything moot. On the other hand, if they cant fire while sprinting, and can’t camo move…? Maybe. Maybe you are right. I would need to see this one for sure.

    All in all, like… 95% good stuff here. I think that you trying to compensate the large nerfs with buffs is unnecessary, but I really am against giving Schreck squads access to snares, even if they are mines. I mean, zestorer is an exception, and I am *fine-ish* with that. (It just means I am going to suggest nerfing them elsewhere) (assuming any of this happens).

    in reply to: On the rework of US armor. #14770

    In theory, yes, in practice no. And even if you recover the ACE, iirc, it becomes “just” a regular pershing. So, no, this is not a realistic solution. In addition, no other doctrine has to invest additional CP into keeping a capstone unlock alive.

    I appreciate the effort. Perhaps once the entire call in dies (no matter what you picked), the pershing cap should rise to 2 anyway. Given the response I got, that is about all I have room to suggest.

    in reply to: On the rework of US armor. #14762

    So I was correct then… Like I mentioned though, with regards to the intent behind the greyhound recon call in… the M20 works better for reasons mentioned. Which makes greyhound kind of an empty choice.

    Regarding the airstrikes… Isn’t the fact that you cannot call in the whole call in ever again punishment enough? Do the airstrikes really also have to disappear? It is just unprecedented for a 4 CP capstone call in to just eventually become completely empty. No other doctrine has a punishment that is that severe. Losing access to a pershing ace, a 105 sherman, 2 75 jumbos… that seems punishing enough, especially since there are certain strikes that can easily just clip on of these call ins instantly. Morser for example. The V1 as another, the stuka zu fus for a third.

    I understand what each of the options is meant for, I just don’t think that the greyhound option does anything the m20 option does not, and I don’t think the Abrams call in becoming an empty call in is justified. If there is a German force capable of destroying an Abrams call in, that should be a signal to deploy more units in an area, not less? Call more tank destroyers/heavy armor/air power/arty into the area?

    in reply to: In-Depth look at medium tank stats #13361

    I have to agree with Gamecks here meat. You guys have made it clear that you do not want to rework armor and pen values, and we have accepted that. But at the moment, the panzer 4 suffers against cromwells and shermans, and the T-34-76 is useless (completely and utterly). Buffing the reload speed is a simple and elegant solution to both problems. Like seriously, a t-34 can get the first shot on a panzer 4, and still lose to the panzer because it has terrible pen, terrible damage if you use APCR, terrible armor, and its reload time means the panzer gets 2 shots off before the T-34 fires again. Its a completely terrible interaction.

    The other solution would be to change the soviet tech structure completely: i.e. soviet tier goes something like: 0, 1, 2, 2.5, 4, with their 76mm vehicles hitting brutally fast, and their tier 4 getting more expensive. This would mess with tier 2 balance, which is not in an amazing spot at the moment, and I believe this is an instance where game play has to trump reality.

    Soviets are in a pretty bad spot at the moment, and a lot of their strategy revolves around some pretty unpleasant builds just so they can barely survive until tier 4. The doc that does not have these strats, rifle guards, never sees play in my experience, and Russians are the least played army overall. I’ll make a post in the coming days.

    in reply to: In-Depth look at medium tank stats #13347

    I would also like to stress the massive cost differences in armor doc tanks, which is a bit ridiculous, especially with the crom. I would suggest removing the fuel cost decrease for the American, USSR and British cheaper tanks unlocks, to make the fuel dump more… necessary.

    in reply to: Pressing Issues for next patch #13034

    2 AT grenades would be for the PTRS squads only, as the nades do require micro to throw, and it is a specialist squad.

    in reply to: Advanced players #12904

    Sorry this reply is coming a few days late, but in general, your main  branches are going to be the bren AT squad, and the random reserve unit. Bunker atm, as well as artilliry, are just not worth it compared to everything else.

    Your game plan is to SPAM festung grens, and throw their grenades as often as you can. At tier 1, get deckungs, the AT squad, and maybe a medic bunker, and you are good to go.

    from there, you can go for the elefant, or whatever endgame you desire, but be aware the strength of the doc lies in its early game, with festung grenades and the double MG-42 of deckungs.

    in reply to: Repple Depple Alternative #12903

    Its a case of us not being creative enough. We always saw it as a way to nullify causalities to infantry heavy play styles in the late-game. Instead, what people have done is make RD their first unlock, build 4-5 squads of engineers, and throw them into infantry or MG’s to get free riflemen, and then just drown people in garands, which you can do really little against. Especially one rifle nades and free BARs come into play.

    in reply to: 3.3.8 Tier list #12880

    I dont think so, though you are right. there is no “bunker” playstyle. it does not act as an alternative for anything. They are just not used. I though about putting rangers in C tier, but those are not an alternative for rifles, merely over costed companions to them.

    in reply to: One stop shop to solve AEA. #12845

    I dont like that idea novo, as it does not solve the problem, and just delays it until it become a problem.

    in reply to: No. 4 Commando Depot tweaks #12815

    I like what you have suggested here. excellent framework. My only gripe is the panzerfaust for the gammon. (for the german weapons pack) I don’t think that needs to happen, as gammon’s can be a stun on demand, which is the buff I would suggest for them. fausts dont really fit with a long range squad (neither do gammons tbh, but at least those are british)

    in reply to: Luftwaffe Bombing Run #12573

    This seems disturbingly close to the arado coming back into the mod. Now if you want trench clearing, then perhaps we should discuss the buffed Leig? 2 Leig’s might be enough to allow luft to slowly force players out of such positions. I have tested it myself against the american pak 43, and it was annihilated almost immediately. It got buffed vs buildings, with less spread and more damage.

    However: luft reinforcement costs are incredibly high. Perhaps they could be lowered to allow an easier transition o the leig? Anyway, I would say the new leig buff be tested before implementing a change of this magnitude.

    Also, what if upon unlocking the rocket strafe, you stuka strafe was upgraded to have autocannons?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Death_Kitty.

    I think that pack howitzers could use some love, as Luft does not really have fortress reduction ability, and US airborne is going to need it soon. I would not mind a direct fire role that is effective against trenches and buildings. I also would not mind  them acting better as artillery. The infantry support ability… maybe. Dunno, would have to test it out.

    in reply to: French vehicles #12466

    For the french captured vehicles, you have to use jedburg squads (first unlock of that tree) to build a FFI camp, or to turn an ambient building into as resistance HQ.


    Accurate. However, I cannot be relied upon to play for and against every single doc in the game. So I have relied upon the feedback of others. People I know you would consider reliable. The fact is the 76mm barrage is just too good, and in a PvP game, you do not have the resources to set up you 152mm howitzers and your 76mm howitzers. You are familiar with the 76 barrage. It destroys everything, on top of being very  versatile.

    And these can be hidden in your base, or emplaced; either way, they are much cheaper and less vulnerable than the 152 mm.

    So, tl;dr. UK gets 2 base guns plus uncle, static gets nebel and karl, none of that is enough to run an arty doc (the base howitzers are just not enough bombardment, while the other 3 are on massive cooldowns), and USSR arty can hid 3 guns in their base.

    In terms of AT capability, the doc is not that lacking.

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