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MemberI AGREE! smoke barrages need too be quick and agile too keep pace with the flow of battle. Perhaps the commando mortar team, since its, u know, mighty commandos, could have a creeping smoke barrage instead of regular smoke too better justify their 2cp (or 1cp) cost vs most 80mm mortars being non-cp-locked(aka 0cp).
also smoke shells should 100% be non-interfering with tank movement
This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by
Memberi like it. i think the No 68 AT rifle nade shoudlnt be put behind vet, its just a AT rifle nade. US get em without vet, and highlanders arent exactly anything too cool. id have the blue abilities start from the highlander unlock, then go too officer training/ victorias cross. then, they arent something that can be bypassed by just having the bottom line ability tree be your infantry related unlocks. also, a sherman OP price reduction would be nice.
imo, i think the 79th refit should be 95mm churchil only, if just too help diversify unit availability within doctrines. churchils already in CoC.
Memberon another note, heres what id do
: remove ground attack from autocannon vehicles
: remove ground attack and idle fire from mortars, you pay muni, you get indireect fire barrage.
:mortar emplacements can ground attack and idle fire within direct fire range, and can pay muni too fire beyond, maybe with longer range / more fire rate / cheaper price too make up for its stationarity
:LEIG and pack howitzer can fire HE shells directly, with low shell travel time- think of sherman 75 HE round or panzer 4 F1 HE shell, with same direct fire range as those vehicles. this helps justify their more expensive price over the mortar, and gives the docs that have em (US AB, UK Lowland, OKW Luft, OST Volks) a usually needed lil option that can help be used aggressively, or defensively. Historically, the IG-18 was definitely made for direct fire in mind, although the pack howitzer was more artillery focused it could (and probably would in use with the US AB and UK AB) be used as a direct fire gun in a pinch.
Memberi like it.
i dont think toggle HE for both cromwell and sherman 76 is necessary
HMG dmg from all m1919a6s for all tanks isnt a good idea unless all coaxes of all tanks are changes aswell, i can see it justified for sherman V cause no hull OR pintle gun.
recon plane is sorta fine as is, but changing it wouldnt hurt anything much
firefly doesnt need ambush camoflauge….tbh, i sorta dont like how jackson has it either, considering how potent they are. i think that kind of camo could be limited too only the low profile casemates, like jagdpanzer, su-85, and stug, not only cause it makes sense realistically, but also cause it neatly also intersects with game blaance- gives krauts an advantage. maybe at vet the firefly, and other tanks in general with normal camo, can get ambush camo at vet.
if tulips can be targeted on a specific spot aswell, that would be nice. like, if the enemy infantry is near a building or at max range you can already sorta use it against them if you position right and deal some pretty big damage, so why you cant target it any closer and have em detonate earlier on a position instead of when they reach max range. i also heard another mod made em an ability that can be targeted like HEAT rounds, although idk how good that works in that other mod. maybe the sherman V tulips can be targeted freely vs inf, and the fireflie one can be targeted vs vehicles but its a much high chance too hit said vehicle even when its moving cause it targets it like a HEAT round. so one is AT tulips other is anti inf/structure tulips
17pdr change is downright NECESSARY imo- its so fucking clunky too use right now, i mean, you can, but in a PvP environment its such a risk and it has the same problem as naked Pak-43 , in that, its an AT gun thats one shot vs tanks, which doesnt follow the precedent set by pak 40s and 6pdrs and the like, which are only 1 shot by tanks when they are decrewed and the abandoned AT gun targeted manually. although, it should be a more fragile emplacement cause of its mobility.
MemberAPCBC NEEDS too have less dmg per shot, just like every other specialized AP shot! and firefly could be cheaper. i was considring TBYT could be cheaper overall, and give u shermans with tulips by defualt, and maybe the shemrnas can have APCBC as well and maybe a WP or smoke shell like the crommy. and MAYBE TBYT can also unlock production of a M10, since they were mighty common in british armor divisions, and maybe the M10 can also get the 6x scope when its unlocked.
welsh are also bad, but they can stay bad for now. changes too them are more time and effort than its worth. you already get inf sections, which are fine, and grenadier guards are available after welsh are unlocked so u still get em eventually.
also, tank awareness applies too all your inf, not just welsh. inf secitons also apply. so getting tank awareness first isnt half bad, and helps alleviate the sluggish, fragile, expensive properites of the sherman firefly. cause u know when the panther brigade is barreling towards u.
This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by
Membermortars can keep ground attack with direct fire range so they can do defensive fire, but not actual arty, they cant push an HMG directly. maybe slightly lower than direct fire range too account for scatter, but when taking fir they die really quick so….. shrug
pack howies like pack howie and leig can have ground attack be equal too direct fire range too help justify their higher cost vs mortars. but im afraid theyd just use ground attack right infront of a HMG too have scatter kill it, but then it would be so close it would risk dying too infantry push.
autocannons, can just lose ground attack. but id like if they could get an ability like the crusader AA in vanilla with short range too shoot down walls n trees n stuff, and maybe too deal extra dmg vs inf but idk if it would or should be any more effective than the actual atuocannon itself.
Memberi agree with it . if it would be possible, a general increase in tiering times would be nice. Something like, 25% longer for tier 1, 50% longer for tier 2, 75% longer for tier 3, 50% longer for tier 4. also, greyhound will never be able too compete with m15, even with the price differences, imo. maybe if canister shot was longer range…
id consider movign the M8 scott too another doc, since US inf already has the motorized mortar. or maybe, US inf can lose the mortar, and just get WP on the m8 scott instead, with the m8 being the same or very close price as the halftrack mortar, since its essentially the same role. pack howie vs mortar are always filling a similar niche, and mortarirzed pack howie vs mortarized mortar are no different.
M15 nerf would be good, but i think it would be worth a try having greyhound be available at any tier up, maybe with a fuel price increase too make up for its bettenress too the 222. even if it can beat 222, and with 50 cal can beat it with APCR, the rate of fire of the 37mm can be adjusted if it ends up being too oppresive vs other light vehicles at that tier, but i doubt it would be necessary. plus, it would make platoon over company more viable. im thinking that, 222 would win vs greyhound without APCR, but lose too greyhound with 50 cal or armor, without APCR, but beat the greyhound with APCR loaded .APCR could also use a price reduction.
i also heard an idea that, omsbon at tier 4, the breakthrough dispatch only has 1 t-34-85 and 1 t-34-76, instead of 2 t-34-85, too reflect the fact that tanks arent the main focus of the doc, cause the docs inf is fairly versatile already.
One thing i can also see, is a nerf too riflenade range and/or making it require being completely unsuppressed, even yellow suppression makign it unavaialble. smoke rifle nade range can remain as is.
Then, a buff too the average HE shell, maybe reworking it so its a single shot specifically targeted on a position, that deals dmg similar too an arty shell impact of the same caliber. for example, stug 3 E’s HE shell should hit with the same impact as the stug 3 E’ arty barrage shell.This should help shift what was originally the role of the rifle nade (clearing out entrenched infantry, allowing a push) too the purposeless, useless, woefully inadequate, average tank- stuff like sherman 75, panzer 4, t-34-76, etc. because right now, the inf can support themselves better than the tank can support them, which makes the role of a tank usually for killing other vehicles and some fragile buildings (IE HMG bunker, cache, etc). this could also make panther and tiger a little bit more fearsome when fighting inf, since their in a similar spot too the average tank- only good for fighting tanks, and even then its too fragile vs t-34-85, fireflies, cromwells with APCBC, or jacksons.
Smoke rounds for tanks could also help.
Memberi agree with the tank call in stuff, what id do is have the tank call in be 2 churchil mark 4’s at tier 3, and 2 sherman 76s at tier 4. and the TD call in can be either 2 wolverines at tier 3, and 2 su-85s at tier 4, or 1 su-85 and 1 wolverine, regardless, since the wolverine is really good and can perform at tier 4 despite being a tier 3 TD, and the SU-85 is a mediocre tier 4 TD, due too its lack of pen at long range, and isnt too bad at tier 3, just 1 shotting panzer 4s.
For infantry, i also agree with your suggestions, it is quite a muni sink. maybe the guards inf, the promoted concscript infantry, can get their weapon upgrades for free?
and perhaps, instead of normal fusiliers, the base inf for guards inf can be a Kazaki squad with all SVT-38s (essentially garand stats with SVT-40 model, so its balanced), too further make the doc’s inf options more unique.
Membermaybe the fuel dump could be nerfed in how much fuel it brings in. its 2x the cost of a normal cache, so i think something like 3x the cost of a normal cache (IIRC that would be 9 fuel per minute, which is half the ammount it brings in now which is 20. or well, close enough too half), too include the CP investment into it.
Memberim definitely for a APCBC nerf. i think maybe guards armored could be buffed in other ways too make up for it since it sorta depends on that thing too much, but in general, APCBC needs a gigantic smackdown with the nerf bat. if it did less DMG when loaded (like every other specialized AP Round in the mod!) it would be a lot more balanced imo.
Memberyeah, it is in a weird spot vs inf. its sorta like a bundle nade with less radius, even though its a massive explsoive charge. it could probably have its radius increased a bit.
30/07/2020 at 10:21 pm in reply to: VET 5 FOR PANZER IV – VET 5 FOR PANZER IV – VET 5 FOR PANZER IV #13040123nick
MemberI AGREE! panzer 4 is USELESS in panzergren! its even dead meat too 6pdr!
Membermaybe the support squad can have a MG-42 and a FG-42 and then kar 98s cause no nades at all or AT is a bit rough- even deckungsgrupe have a nade (granted they prob shouldnt, but either way, regular inf vs fallschirmajger, so they can have something special). ij ust think luft, at its current spot, could use a bit more oomph
about the AT squad, i mean, i think it might be a bit of the other way; a normal AT squad with short range will just have any vehicle come at it and start suppressing it in seconds, unless you manage too camo it before anything starts shooting at you, and even then that lets you ambush just one tank before your AT has too retreat due too, you know, being fired upon by everything else. 2 rakatenwerfers with a range buff( cause fallschirm training) could keep tanks at bay and force infantry forwards. granted, this is all idealistic and rarely does what we say should happen ingame actually happen ingame. its important too note that the stosser paradrop (like any other) is heavily telegraphed (usualyl the smoke plane and cargo plane come in at different angles, so you look where the 2 will intercept and you know where their dropping 15-20 seconds before they all finally land, more then enough time too move a token force too start pinning em). about having strong and powerful infnatry groups, its a doc about elite fallschirmjagers so i wouldnt mind. airborne get easy company which can be mighty potent, at any range, and even 101st airborne squads with double bars. and thats just airborne- even non-inf docs like guards armor and panzergren get squads that can be just as good, or just infantry rosters as a whole better.
another reason for rakatenwerfers is that, imo, its neat how the docs that have rakatenwerfers typically have worst than average panzerjagers. panzer-zerstorer for pan zerjager, albeit better than a singular panzerjager, arent better than 2, and the same can be said for panzer-knacker, but this is made up for cause the rakatenwerfer is a great portable semi-AT gun that can do the same thing- it pens any heavy. so i think it would be cool if instead of making it like other AT squads of other docs they focused more being rakatenwerfer-centric in their anti tank.
Membersounds good too me, maybe the assault group can have MP40s instead of K98s or 1 stg instead of one of the kar 98s, since if they dont have any weapon upgrades only 2 fg 42s and g43s might end up being anemic.
support group could also get MP40s instead of kar 98s, let em be a bit versatile.
idk about a squad with 2 (3 at vet) panzershrecks and a panzerwurfmine and AEA. the closest you get on the allies is CoC, with maquisards, and 2 piat drops, or omsbon with whatever inf you can get and their AT abilities, but mainly the one with AT nade assault. id prefer something like 2 elite fallschirm-rakatenwerfer crews as a paradrop, that work like you say- the rakatenwerfers can have cautious movement, and maybe also get a range buff from normal rakatenwerfers (cause superior training) so they have the same range as normal AT guns when camo is on.
Memberwell, personally i always thought it was OK, balance wise. but other people may not agree with me. but i also heard that, having so many squads ends up being laggy in game anyways, regardless if its balanced or not. i think it gives US inf an option for massed inf,which i dont mind since it could use it, but i made another post for giving US inf better inf options, just cause, well, sending mass ammounts of infantry too die just too get more doesnt feel fitting, either way, and is laggy even if it does work,. ill admit, this can be a low priority issue since its msotly fine ingame imo, but its just a way of re-working it with a bit more…. ethical way, thats more fitting too how too play US inf gameplay wise aswell. riflemen squads are the most costly of all the base allied infantry squads, so, having them be the ones most encouraged too take losses, feels… weird, is all.
This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by