Hurra! 8.8cm Flak crew deploying their piece in the ground role celebrate a hit
Hurra! 8.8cm Flak crew deploying their piece in the ground role celebrate a hit Submitted January 16, 2017 at 03:57AM by 3rdweal via reddit
Hurra! 8.8cm Flak crew deploying their piece in the ground role celebrate a hit Submitted January 16, 2017 at 03:57AM by 3rdweal via reddit
As with yesterday’s post, here is another two King Tigers, this time a year later and on the Eastern Front. After it had received forty-five new Tiger IIs in December 1944, the detachment was attached to IV SS Panzer Corps,…
Spitfire chases a Heinkel He-111 Submitted December 20, 2016 at 02:53AM by Nemephis via reddit
Hello again!! AI Tournament Winner Announcement! Out of our original seven entrants, we had one withdrawal, three non-entries and three successful entries. The AI Time Trial winner is:…