It’s done, we’ve released the mod version 3.3.8 – and revealed the last doctrine with it. The German Volksgrenadier Division.
Now it’s time for a break, time to refuel the modder’s batteries…
Well deserved! Enjoy, relax, and come back with more new great ideas to mod!

Volksgrenadier Divison
“für Ehre und Vaterland”

Also check out the tech-tree preview in here.
It’s out, it’s done, at least for now. Since the mod versions, it took roughly more than 2 years since we started the all new tech trees.
With the newest doctrine, the overhaul of the total 20 tech-trees is now done, all non-linear tech trees now.
(We’re also updating the tech-trees on our website, they are interactive and can help to plan your ingame strategies.)
To view the changelog, head over to our forum.
other changes
Maybe you didn’t notice it yet, but there have been changes other than the major overhaul of the last Wehrmacht doctrine… Only to mention a few:
new Churchill Crocodile skin for the Croc Ace
We’ve added a tank ace for the Brits, the CoC can now call in a Churchill ace. Follow this link if you are interested in some historical details.

wounded/dead ratio
This ratio determines how many soldiers die from an attack, and how many are wounded – this is critical when it comes to ambulances.
Before it was 3/4 dead, 1/4 wounded, now it is 1/4 dead and 3/4 wounded.
This way it makes much more sense to set up an ambulance to gather and treat the wounded to make sure they get healthy again and can join the fight again.
I guess you’ve all seen the Shermanator’s video on YouTube? If not, take a look and see how he and his friends react to the finished mod…
The Shermanator had the pleasure to be the very first one to play it (except of our beta testers and the mods themselves) – note: a few minor things got changed to this version.
Also we’ve done a giveaway action with the Shermanator, the details can be found in his video and on our Discord.
official reaction from Relic

Relic’s official Company of Heroes Facebook page gave us some attention as well – referring to the Shermanator’s YouTube video – many thanks for promoting us!
You won’t hear so much from us regarding modding, but we will work on the website, grow the community and have an occasional game of CoH2 with the Wikinger mod ourselves.
Till the next time!
Wikinger Dev Team
Thanks for amazing mod! I’m asking for you.
At selection doctrine, Volksgrenadier division doesn’t show but show ‘COMING SOON’
Inspite of this, when i select it, volksgrenadier div. works well.
How to fix it?
You might have an out of date Win Condition File, maybe try redownloading the mod files?
[…] the June update, (which we released at the end of May) we have released two full patches: 3.3.9 & 3.4.0. We are […]