great shot of SS “EOT/ Mine sweeper” team in action
SS “EOT/ Mine sweeper” team in action
SS “EOT/ Mine sweeper” team in action
Hello Wikingers, this week has been a week of tiny bits and pieces! Again we achieved some records, more or less a record month – well, actually we did not do it, YOU, the great Wikinger community, did it. Website…
Fallschirmjäger Look Upon the Graves of their Comrades – Crete 1941 Submitted January 11, 2017 at 04:18AM by Saferight via reddit
Leningrad Front KV-1E and KV-1 knocked out on the Peterhof Highway, 2 of 32 heavy tanks of the 124th Tank Brigade lost in October 1941 [900×685] Submitted December 17, 2016 at 03:41PM by 3rdweal via reddit