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  • in reply to: Stuka Zu Fuss and friends… #5786


    in reply to: Reduce truck timer #5732

    Maybe we can try some different time settings in the beta. I think the main goal of stopping the SWS blocking exploit has been very successful, would others agree?

    Now we just need to tweak the mid/late game effects.

    in reply to: Shotguns/Trench guns #5692

    It sounds like they were pretty rare in the ETO but did exist. This was an interesting read:

    in reply to: Jackson/Pershing T30E16/M304 HVAP #5543

    Thanks for the research, I like the idea of using the extra velocity and accuracy of the M304 round as a special ability. We will discuss how best to implement this internally.

    in reply to: Jackson/Pershing T30E16/M304 HVAP #5520

    No trolling, just a bit of confusion.

    We will check the stats of the M304 HVAP in game to see if they are performing correctly.

    Thanks Damian.

    in reply to: Jackson/Pershing T30E16/M304 HVAP #5513

    Hi Damian,


    So if Im reading this correctly you want to add the T33 APBC-T round?

    As far as I can see it has worse penetration values than the M304 (T30E16) HVAP, or am I misreading something?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by MeatShieldNZ.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by MeatShieldNZ.
    in reply to: OKW AI has issues with deploying halftrucks #5407

    Noted, we are looking at solutions for the next patch.


    in reply to: Advanced players #5298

    We have some faction guides here on the forum created by some of our more experienced players.

    in reply to: Cost of Panthers #4891

    Most of this has been answered but I think a lot of confusion arises from the Panther being classed as a “Medium” tank in a lot of games.

    Yes the Germans did classify it as medium but this was more to do with its role on the battlefield not its actual size and weight.

    Here is a weight comparison to some allied “heavy” tanks:

    Panther G 45000 KG

    Pershing 41560 KG

    IS-2     46000 KG

    KV-1    46400 KG

    Churchill 41000 KG


    Mongalong also nicely sums our pricing calculations up here:


    in reply to: Realism and Balance #4863

    Hi Khannis,

    Firstly welcome to the forum and thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts.

    I will try to address your questions where possible:

    Historical divisions – we are already working towards this but it is a rework of doctrines that is not complete. You will notice in AEF and OKW (SS) factions the names are more accurate. British,Wehrmacht and Soviets are still to be completed. We haven’t always gone for a specific division especially on the German side as this mod covers both the eastern and western front from June 44 (Overlord/Bagration) through to the Battle for Berlin.

    Mod Tools – the biggest issue we have when trying to create new doctrines and units is that COH2 does not currently allow you to add models. So many iconic units from WW2 are missing and simply cant be faked without ruining immersion. We also cannot change or add any infantry skins.

    Damage – This is always a hot topic, this tank should “one shot” this tank etc etc. The reality is that a tank having a health bar is not realistic either so “damage” in COH is a very abstract gameplay mechanic which is fine, its an RTS game after all not a tank simulator. So what we have done to bring some realism to this mechanic is use historical mass to calculate hitpoints and have used shell HE filler weights and warhead type (APCBC, HEAT etc) to calculate damage. While this gives us a nice measurable way of implementing damage we realise that we cant please everyone with this method. So we have also added custom criticals on penetration to handheld AT and AT guns with more to be added to other weapons in the future. We also have a scaling damage system where as Tank crews vet up they inflict more damage (hitpoints) to reflect them aiming for more critical modules within the tank.

    Targeting the Base – This is purely a gameplay decision. It is too easy to exploit, we have a fast growing PvP community and human nature wants to win at any cost! It is only “off-map” abilities that cant target the base, you still can use your on map models like howitzers and mobile artillery to destroy your enemies base.

    Tech Tree – We are already doing more than any other mod (and vanilla) in this area with the help of some very dedicated and talented coders. Maybe in a distant future we could look at an even more complex tech tree but I think you’ll agree its already a massive improvement on the vanilla commander system.

    NB: Only AEF and SS have their full non-linear tech trees completed.


    I hope that has answered some of your questions and thanks again for posting. We are happy to accept feedback that is both positive and negative, it is the only way to improve.

    I hope you will join us on our discord server where you will meet plenty of other Wikinger players for games and lively discussion!




    in reply to: King Tiger has no cost effective counter #4843

    We have more critical’s now than ever before, both hand held AT and Anti tank guns now have a high chance of getting a critical on penetration and also a smaller chance on deflection.

    These include our own custom broken track critical, also transmission damage and other various criticals.

    Yes mines will be reworked and improved but you’ll just have to wait. We are set on getting the last two doctrines for OKW and AEF finished first.


    in reply to: Special Ammo types. #4802

    Thanks for taking the time to post and explain in detail Damien (love the memes btw)

    I get your point about damage dropoff with APCR/HVAP, even if it is technically correct maybe it is a little too much from a gameplay perspective especially when you are paying for it.

    We will discuss internally and see what we can do.

    Please don’t expect any changes in the short term though, we are fully focused on producing the last two doctrines for OKW and AEF.



    in reply to: Veterancy and detection range #4789

    Its a good idea, not sure how easy it is to implement but we will certainly discuss this internally. If agreed we will add it when we can.

    in reply to: JagdTiger armor #4788

    Ok here are the stats:

    JT Relative Armor Maximum 258mm. Minimum 155mm

    Pershing 90mm firing HVAP has the following penetration stats Close 261mm Mid 243mm Far 220mm

    So at Close range you should always pen. Mid and Far you should still also have a chance.

    Part of the problem is knowing exactly when you are at close range, but we cant exactly put this in the game visually, you just have to estimate the nearest third from max range.

    We will do some internal testing to make sure there isn’t a bad value somewhere but this is the first complaint we have had for this particular unit.

    Also remember that AT guns and handheld AT have a chance to get a critical even on deflection (non penetration). So if you can get enough of them you have a really good chance to damage tracks or transmission causing the JT to become much more vulnerable.

    Thanks for the post.

    in reply to: Damage vs distance #4660

    OK thanks, that is much clearer now.

    We will discuss it internally. Please don’t expect this to happen in the short term though as we need to push on with finishing SS and AEF Doctrines. But thank you for your research.


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