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  • kefir_

    And once again – 5.5 inc arty

    Karl + Nebelwerfers are not enough? Well pak43s has Victory targets too…just like zis-3 but with 88mm guns that actually can take any allied tank. Imo 100mp more then zis-3 gun for it is dirt cheap.


    Oh about 76mm, yeah max number of 3 zis-3 guns for sth around 300mp + ammo per gun then you have to pay 500mp per emplacement and ammo with max of 2. So your point with, quote “Just the B-4 and the 76mm, which are unlimited” isn’t true.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by kefir_.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by kefir_.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by kefir_.

    2.) Nerfing good thing (not op) is really strange way for “making 152mm more welcoming”, increased range for AT ability or even if it could work like AT gun in passive direct fire role like Pak43 would make them more worth using. Dirt cheap? Little less then 300mp + 50ammo per gun is cheap in your opinion? Well so what about free HQ 25pdrs, 5.5 inc, whole SS arty and so on, even static doc gets off maps which don’t require ANY arty piece on map, only cp. And if you gonna compere it to 25pdr double emplacement I’ll just remind you that it’s DOUBLE and (not like russian 76mm) barrage are independent from others emplacement or HQ which gives you option to cover more land.


    “0.) Spotter tower for Wehrmacht MP drain removed

    Thinking: the spotter tower for Wehrmacht the new one, should not drain any MP. It is a non combat building that has use against 2 docs that is fairly fragile. Why the 8 MP per min drain?

    I mean really? It’s cheap and it’s give you range of 6x scope (i guess?) and yeah it counter 2 docs, but it’s counter them really well.


    Oh boi, first things first:

    2.) Limiting already limited arty is a really bad idea. Removing stun? ryl? So why not remove it from others every other Arty? Soviet artillery is the only arty doc that actually NEEDS TO BUILD guns on the map to use arty. Only thing that needs nerf in sov arty are penals. If you want to see more 152mm guns direct fire ability with more range or passive (like AT gun) would make this option more welcoming then complaining about zis-3.

    5.) Personally i would make Tulips upgrade more expensive but free to use, like to 80 ammo and 35 fuel.

    6.) Reducing range of map-hack sounds imo like far easier and better option.

    8.) Imo just price reduction to 30-35 ammo would be enough with 10sec of stun, immobilize crit work fine if you par assault with AT squad (and it work every time, if not it’s bug that need to be reported).

    At the end I really like  ideas with Jagdtiger and jagers nerfs.

    in reply to: Combine Operations Doctrine Suggestions #11259

    I’m not sure about units you’re talking about in US Airborne, but only squads in soviet infantry doc that dont require purchase are shock troops which in contrast don’t have free-to-use  suppression break ability by themselves and lmg… even if it would work my main goal in my ideas list was pointing out things that dont need cp rework (which Mystalicious write me a book about it, how much i costs work of devs etc.), adding 45. RM will make necessity of changing a lot of other units. For now:

    CO sappers easily can become semi-universal early-mid game unit with lmg and (weak) wp granade; officer useful assault unit with smgs and 5-man with boost to nerby commandos; French AT squad an real threat to late-game tanks with one panzershreck; commando’s assault packages with simple changes can be more then worth it -basic brits pack as good and cheap option, american one with 1cp heavy and high cost for a lot of fire power on mid range and german one as 2cp heavy, not that expensive as american but with long range demage advantage over other two.

    45. RM would make sappers not worth 300mp, pretty much they could be just basic brits sappers with different description. Balance again commandos and it’ll reduce thiers flexibilty. I would rather think of cp rework of FFI cp tree, then (really good atm) commando tree.

    As i said earlier, i like concept but i see far more convenient solutions (maybe i’m wrong, “devs can only judge me”).

    P.S. tbh i wouldn’t mind them as some sort of dispatch in future.

    P.S.S. maybe i just can’t imagine having them in wikinger mod without skin with green berets (sadly none of coh2 skins have green beret).

    in reply to: Combine Operations Doctrine Suggestions #11252

    However, as i really like idea of 45. RM i need to point some things:

    -current no.4 commandos after buff work really good and i don’t feel that theirs tech tree need ground rework like this, only small adjustments to existing unlocks and some units.

    My ideas:

    1. Increase squad size of CO assault officer up to 5-man, all comes with suppressed stens.
    2. Adding Shermans V (from get “back your tanks” ability from brits tank doc)  with limit of 2, maybe 3 at same time, no cp cost.
    3. Bren/Vickers K as option between lmg or 5x stens for CO’s sappers, also Mystalicious’s idea with smoke grenade for them which is replaced with No.77 wp smoke grenade after 1-2 vet star, (small damage, only blinding vehicles)


    US Weapons packages changes:

    • 2x bars and 3x sup stens guns, with little reduction to 120 ammo for commandos assault package
    • 3x Thompsons unlock for officer for 75ammo

    German weapons packages changes

    • 1x Mg42 and 4x suppressed stens, with cost of 100 ammo for commandos assault package
    • 2x stg44s upgrade for officer for 80 ammo
    • Again Mystalicious idea: replacement  of one of the French commando AT squad’s bazooka with 1x panzershreck for at least 60ammo (higher prince for every german weapon because it’s captured weapon)

    With weapons packages i fallow scheme with brits pack (at least i think so):

    Cost of lmg (Vickers perhaps would cost sth around 70 ammo) + 10 ammo cost for suppressed stens for the rest of squad.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by kefir_.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by kefir_.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by kefir_.
    in reply to: Combine Operations Doctrine Suggestions #11251

    For example, or think about squads limit, like max of 2-3 RM squads, 2 commandos squads etc. Still have in mind French AT squad, i guess only them should get combination of 2x bazookas and 1x panzershreck.

    in reply to: Combine Operations Doctrine Suggestions #11244

    Also rethink idea with 3x piats for commandos with suppression immunity and 6-man squad because even on paper it’s looks like not good idea, same thing with 2x bazookas and 1x panzershreck for squad with limit of 4. (Its needs more of your explanations about yours idea)

    in reply to: Combine Operations Doctrine Suggestions #11231

    Probably there will be problems with right fitting model for 45. RM, SAS model looks quite matching but they have red berets, commando’s skin gets some of stuff right (for example backpack) and infantry sections fits in some ways…but none of them in 100%

    in reply to: Tiger aces buff on infantry is OP? #11177

    I will just answer to you points:

      <li style=”list-style-type: none;”>
    1. “Except, allied aces are destroyed easily with tigers, kt-s and jagdpanzers and that m20 is paper, not worth to risk it getting lost. However I will check the allies bonuses too.” Did you heard about IS-2, ISU-152 even T-34-85? I guess you should keep an eye on them too. Same thing with Pershing, Jumbo, easy-eights…comets, fireflies…oh wait almost any mid-late game oriented tank regardless of factions can take out other mid-late game tank? No waaay. There is also stug ace just to remind, i doubt if he is that hard to kill.
    2. “First of all, the cooldown starts when you call in that tiger ace. Idk how long it is, 10-20 minutes? If you cant make that tiger ace survive for 10-20 minutes, then see my previous point, bad gameplay–>get punished. What I referred to as no cooldown is for the “ability” itself, it is on indefinitely as long as the tiger is alive.” Imagine air strike happening, arty, AT squad ambush, anything that more then 100mm armour pen, just ordinary things. But I’ll go further, lets apply this to any heavy tank in game, every one (even buildable ones), yeah 10-20min cooldown after losing any heavy tank, because i see that if you lose heavy tank its just bad gameplay and you should be punished.
    3. “If they are destroyed, well, that’s bad gameplay, and must be punished. That single tiger tank can take out everything except the heaviest ally tanks. 1250 mp for a tank like this is bargain” so now why “Colmar is crap”? Just stop saying that lack of APCR magically makes him useless…i won’t to be rude but this argument still makes me lough

    At the end, Bash on Regardless stays active for 40sec, not exhausted penalties, its free to use, Za Rodinu cost something around 50ammo, similar radius as Wittman or Hans with not exhausted penalties at tier 1, Rangers lead the Way for all equipped with automatic weapons and bazookas Rangers for free …oh i almost forgot, every of this ability gives you receiving damage reduction, faster weapons time, reload speed etc.

    Suppression break for cp heavy tank that comes really late to the game doesn’t sound that awful

    Oh sov arty doc has penals, i heard that they’re quite well-known in pvp, don’t they?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by kefir_.
    in reply to: Some ideas for brits #10380

    Okay then, idea with bren for Highlanders was for me like quick way to fix them.

    I wrote about top mg gunner for stuarts because they feel really weak in terms of dealing damage to infantry, i was afraid of buffing their main cannon (damage and accuracy) to just make another broken/annoying dispatch. Maybe buff stuart’s mg to better suppress is an solution.

    Also i forget about one more thing, about elite Canadian-French infantry’s offensive pack – its really not working for them, maybe instead of “cover bonus” they could be more resilient for incoming fire and harder to suppress. For now theirs defensive pack(2x brens) make them true beasts and offensive pack feel quite useless.

    in reply to: SS Verbrannte Erde problems #10186

    As I said, arty is really strong (I would say op) in case of accessibility, but I guess you missing the point.

    Lowland is kind of universal doctrine, good offense, good defense and good arty…not arty doc. I would see little cost reduction for sextons (100mp and 15fuel less) but still brits have 2 comets (whose can fight 1v1 with panthers), mighty Churchills, land matters which for 230muni are removing units in selected area (I feel they do this better than any other rocket arty), comando dispatch, 17pdr and of course a lot of ways to boost infry…

    I think one late-game panther won’t be something bad (maybe with radio to call arty), 2 good squads locked behind victory points neither

    I guess rework should include little less “call in strikes” and some other arty – maybe double 105mm like Canadian 25pdr, or just captured 25pdr since Germans capture something around 700 of them in France.

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