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  • in reply to: A possible solution for a sector arty issue. #3451


    1.)… interesting.

    2.) Ultimately as long as its just a bonus, the animation really is not necessary.

    3.) … even more interesting!

    @cardmen. I thing you are missing the point of my suggestion. The only thing I want to counter here is sector arty. Emplacements are hard to set up in wikinger. You need time, manpower, resources, and you sacrifice mobile units for harder to kill defenses, which can be dealt very easily with if flanked. I don’t mind someone using a hummel, or a panzerwerfer to shoot emplacements. with the exception of sector arty, there is noting that will kill the big emplacements in 1 run, and with fortify, you wont do that much damage either. my idea would help that, if anything. If someone engages this ability for a werfer/hummel/ whatever, they are hurting themselves, b/c the emplacement cant fire. Just get up close with a satchel or flamethrower or bundled nade and knock it out while the crew is away.

    As for arty irl… I think ww1, the d-day landings, the battle of the bulge, the battles or iwo jima and every battle preceded beforehand with arty proves you dead wrong m8. The odds of a shell hitting a camo netter emplacement directly are minuscule. arty kills be shrapnel, hence the dugouts. And after the barrage, there is no safer place to be than manning your weapon. You stick with that 17-pounder because

    a.) Germans (or anyone else for that matter) wont risk hitting their own troops with arty to kill you

    b.) Chances are that 17 pounder is your best chance for killing a German tank.

    in reply to: Waffen SS Panzer has no early AA defense #3381

    This is true, (and I dont belive any waffen doc has an AA halftrack, though luft can build emplacments.) but then again, the ostwind is very tough for an AA vehicle, and can actually repel heavy assault infantry without getting destroyed in one bazooka hit.

    As for waffen in general: don’t pick your doc right away. If you feel the need, call in the light halftrack, then pick the panzer doc. That and your base has 3-4 AA emplacements. If your opponent calls in a plane, it will get shot down. Just retreat your units when you hear the audio cue, and watch the strike miss. (also, not all planes can be shot down. the arado for panzer division and the B-26 for US airborne fly too high.)

    This, on top of the fact that if your opponent call is planes before late game, he is a bleeding idiot, or an AI, b/c you lose valuable troops you need to unlock with those command points.


    2 things:

    1.) The Creighton Abrams 76 and E8 Shermans lack the camo ability (the regular m4s don’t for some reason)

    2.) I don’t really see ambush being a possibility here. I mean if every tank Had it, it would be blood ludicrous. With that said, I think camo should grant a small accuracy and received accuracy bonus. The tank is stationary, and the crew have had the time so relax a bit (not stressed by running the tank at full speed) so better accuracy, and received accuracy lower because of the camo. If that seems OP, then make it last for the first 2-3 shots, but which time the enemy full know the position of the tank, so the bonus disappears.

    in reply to: 3.1.5 c Patch Now live on Steam!! #3243

    Well to be perfectly honest, I worry that the stationary guys are… dead. If only we had the capability to put in sitting men not in agony, talking/getting treated by the medics

    Lets just say they are asleep/ drugged out.

    EDIT: BTW FOUND BUG: the repair ability is missing from the call-in M3 that comes with the vet riflemen in US armor doc.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Death_Kitty.
    in reply to: 3.1.5 c Patch Now live on Steam!! #3237

    The new deployed modes are sweet, and I doubt I could go back to regular vanilla after of this good stuff.

    One question: is it possible to use the wounded infantry models that actually move? It’s not that I am unhappy with the current result (believe me I am very happy), but just curious.

    in reply to: 3.1.5 c Patch Now live on Steam!! #3174

    3 questions:

    1.)So can flamethrowers set fire to buildings now: as in, will a building on fire keep taking damage until it dies? (flamethrower buffed?)

    2.) Does this camo aesthetic affect tank destroyers?

    and 3.) What about whermacht? Are they done b/c they use same tanks as waffen?


    in reply to: General Waffen Guide. #3134

    4 caviats there: Im going to assume those numbers are for wikinger (I swear I’ve seen t-70 get out faster, but wow 7  min!?)

    1.) Bazooka is 45 munitions. Unlike waffen, US don’t need to get MG early game. They will get it.

    2.)I think AT squads get out before 5 min so its would be hard to be super effective that early.

    3.)Using the gren AT nade requires you to get very close to the stuart, and if the stuart is paying attention, or with infantry, (or both) that will be near impossible to do.

    4.)If you can make it work, go for it! I just find that the docs themselves are not build for rushing mech HQ. IMHO ofc.

    in reply to: Pricing Discussion #3114

    Well in that case: Sherman’s should be cheaper, because it isn’t that effective against armor. Id rather call in a 76 or even easy 8 for a few more resource points because i will get so much more value out of them.

    Unsure about the Jackson. The thing is an absolute monster so not sure whether it deserves to be that much cheaper than a jagdpanzer. i mean the latter can camo, but the former has a turret, and HVAP… not good for  big cats. Keep jagdpanzer more expensive, but move jack up to 475MP 120F? Then again panzer has wayyy more front armor. I dunno.

    KV-1 maybe a tad cheaper than in is manpower wise, but only a bit. Its more of an early game tank really.  Then again sovs have not been reworked so… mrp (my expression for universal indifference because of the futility/lack of knowledge about situation. I use it a lot).

    EDIT: this is a reply to original post not meatshieldz values. Have not reacted to those yet.



    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Death_Kitty.
    in reply to: General Waffen Guide. #3111

    fair point about the freiwilligen. Still, one of my squads usually has vet by late game (if not both) and i hate withdrawing vet squads.

    did not know about the 50 cal. dishka yes, but getting out a dish early game is difficult (i expect it to get harder one sovs get reworked). Need to test 50 to see if that’s with AP ammo or no.

    I would not advise building mechanized HQ first for any waffen doc (so far)

    Luft: needs its unique infantry to ensure its strong midgame

    Elde: pioneer are vital. you need to be able to bleed enemy with mines, and dug in units to hold ground in between barrage cycles. you need them ASAP.

    Panzer Division: Maybe? Would not advise, mainly because waffen mech HQ has no antitank capability. Luchs cant win vs a t-70, or a stuart, or even a puma. I personally have not tried it, but i cant see it working. Maybe against Russia, if so mm can penetrate t-70. b/c a stuart, AEC armored car or puma will 1 hit you. Stuart maybe, but still, has better armor?

    On top of the fact that no doc gives mech HQ units any bonuses… you would have to wipe numerous infantry squads from the field, and delay your battalion HQ. Iffy at best IMHO.

    in reply to: Pricing Discussion #3110

    If the Sherman you are talking about is the basic 75, then to me, the cost seem too high. It should be cheaper than KV-1? Probably Cromwell price?

    in reply to: Sean's Balance Report 05/20/2017 #2949

    I actually want to go over airborne today. I think that is a good doctrine for brutal early infantry pushes, but it need the paras AT unlocked fast. The idea is, in my opinion, use airborne to ambush (they have this ability, yes?) the supporting infantry of a German advance, then use 101st. at squad to murder armor. I prefer to use half tracks to get them to my drop points.

    the one complaint I WILL raise is that i wish there was better feedback on how close you need to be for the 82 airborne to use their zookas. I wish they worked like the panzefaust does. You press a button, it fires, goes on cooldown. Or if there was some range marker that you could activate.

    EDIT: Wait, has this all been addressed already?



    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Death_Kitty.
    in reply to: A formal apology #2916

    Yes… lets start with

    a.) all the other doctrines.

    b.) An idea i have: it involves slingshots

    c.) how the heck do i make my avatar/image next to my name work.

    in reply to: Wikinger update 3.1.5 #2591

    much appreciated. keep up the great work.

    in reply to: Vehicle Crews #1956

    Then just apply my AT crew to make life hard argument, but delayed. I still think it lessens the impact of losing  a tank (too much). And I still like the ideas that you mentioned as alternates SO MUCH more.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Death_Kitty.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Death_Kitty.
    in reply to: Vehicle Crews #1949

    Very much love the last 2 ideas: getting a sudden AT squad to avenge you tank seems a little unfair: you kill an enemy tank, and pow you now have an AT squad that can STILL counter you, yet you cant hit as well. The first one seems a little redundant, as vehicle squads start out usually really depleted, which should counter the auto repair.

    the other 2 ideas are sweet: you can top off a depleted squad, or run back and get some bonus for another vehicle: if you could give more manpower back for crews with higher veteran that would be even better.

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