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German POW’s – July 1944
These six “Landser” from 353. Infanterie-Division, are observed by two GIs of the 4th Armored Division during the Operation Cobra, and lined up in front of a ruined house in Coutances, 29 Km West of Saint-Lô, Normandy. 29 July 1944.
A US soldier with a German prisoner of war during the Battle of the Bulge. Belgium. Near Bastogne. December 23rd-26th, 1944. [1060 × 704]
A US soldier with a German prisoner of war during the Battle of the Bulge. Belgium. Near Bastogne. December 23rd-26th, 1944. [1060 × 704] Submitted January 06, 2017 at 09:55PM by T2314897041372983243 via reddit
An American soldier from the 29th Infantry Division armed with a bazooka runs past a knocked Hetzer. Aldenhoven (Germany), 1944.
An American soldier from the 29th Infantry Division armed with a bazooka runs past a knocked Hetzer. Aldenhoven (Germany), 1944. Submitted April 26, 2017 at 04:31AM by Jimmyjamjames via reddit