
Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: Forum Signatures #2114

    and maybe there is no need to, but you could use those in other forums as well… or put them with a backlink on your website, or facebook, or twitter, or whereever you want to advertise us 😉

    in reply to: HMG Bug – Ongoing #1815

    Sean and myself just gave it a try also….

    see the difference on the circles arround the mgs? US one looks like a standard weapon in the same class like a bazooka or a light mg, the German one has a different circle, it has kinda a circle seperated with arrows pointing to the inside (like other things you can crew)

    maybe this has something to do with that bug?!

    in reply to: Sean's Bug Report 05/20/2017 3.1.5 BETA #1713

    just spoke to Olhausen about this topic…. The whole booby trap thingies are not working cause he wasn’t able to complete them – maybe that’s why we have no experiences with them

    in reply to: what u think of my new forum banner ? #1657

    Fishing for compliments? :mrgreen:

    Looks good, nice design!

    in reply to: Feedback for the new website #1615


    • moved the gallery with the skin packs to a dedicated side
    • recreated the image section to be able to put some more links in it for future galleries
    • new gallery in the image section https://wikingeretow.com/images/
    • corrected a few German typos
    • added the section FAQ https://wikingeretow.com/faq/
      • Installation
      • @ users, any topic suggestions?
      • Setting up a game

    Mongalong has done some updates:

    • brought in the wikinger logo, it is in the top menu bar now
    • added a read/unread marker to the forum section
    • added a video gallery (wikinger youtube channel)
    • added a daily picture thingy to the blog, each day we’ll see a nice WW2 historical pic
    • added tag based menu to the blog section
    • added tag based “word cloud” to the blog section

    if you have any ideas for further improvement, let us know


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Lorarius.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Lorarius.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Lorarius.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Lorarius.
    in reply to: Error Code 37 #717

    did u get rid of some of the unneeded workshop items?


    do u have the chance on installing wikinger manually?

    in reply to: Error Code 37 #701

    Hello sean,

    here a post from the old forum….

    <hr />

    Hey there,
    like many others I had a problem that my workshop files don’t update, maps/mods/…/ I subscribed to did not download, no auto download when joining other player’s game and so on.

    But finally after swearing arround, hating relic and steam, searching the internet without many success,… I found a way to solve the problem.

    I don’t claim that this will work for everyone and neither that I found this solution all by myself – I found some hints on another steam game with workshop content and just applied the hints I found there onto my system.
    ***some of the names, paths, …, may vary or be named in a different way – I’m using a German copy of the game, so some names I use could be unfamiliar in other languages, I just tried to translate them to English***

    1. got to C:\Users\DS\Documents\My Games
    2. rename the folder Company of Heroes 2 (just adding a _ to the end is enough), Company of Heroes 2_
    3. start Company of Heroes 2.exe
    4. you have to readjust all of your grafic/sound/…/ settings
    5. optional (you may skip this and continue at step 9): quit to windows again
    6. automatically by your system: a new folder named Company of Heroes 2 is automatically created in here: C:\Users\DS\Documents\My Games\
    7. optional: now copy-paste all of your downloaded stuff (the whole folder C:\Users\DS\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods should be sufficient)
    8. start Company of Heroes 2.exe
    9. go to the Modding-Hub
    10. go to the last index tab (should be named “managed” in English)
    11. wait for a couple of hours (I let my computer run a whole night, depends on your internet connection)
    12. now the new created folder (see step 6) should contain all of the stuff you ever subscribed to
    13. done

    If you want to make the coh-system run smoother again you may additonal get rid of all the unneeded workshop files

    1. unsubscribe to as many things as possibly
    2. delete as many files as possibly (I had some maps in old versions like 3 or 4 times)
    3. schedule this “maintenance work” on a regular basis

    If there is a logic behind all this, it could be as follows:
    When COH2 is started, it checks for updates on all of your workshop items. Unfortunatelly this takes like ages and the system checks EVERY single file. When a file is outdated it will be downloaded. So far so good, makes sense, but the problem is, that existing files have a priority for checking updates and eventually downloading those and any new files (ones you just subscribed to, or missing content when playing skirmish with others) have a very low priority in the coh2-workshop-system.

    I hope this works for you also, please let me know if you have been successful or encountered other possibilities.

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