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  • in reply to: Applying for beta tester #8132

    Thanks, we’ll consider your application and come back to you with a decision latest when we start the next doctrine.

    in reply to: Beta test 1/13/2019- stealth thoughts. #7760

    my thoughts on that:

    • Snipers reveal when firing, so they can counter snipe one another, but can’t detect camoed units on their own. (OK, but veteran snipers should gain the “stay camoed” ability)
    • Scout vehicles (jeep, kubel, 221, m5 scout car, m20 utility car, bren carrier) reveal stealth units as a passive, radius 20-40m. Can there be a difference in detection radius between a moving scout car and a static?
    • halftracks can be either upgraded, or spend munitions, or both, to temporarily reveal units around them, but at a much smaller radius
    • Ambush infantry gain a new stealth mode (in addition to the current one) where they can move faster, but are spotted easier by non-spotter units (20-15m instead of the 5m from the prone camo ability). This IS NOT given to AT squads.
    • Ambushed Tank destroyers can be revealed at much longer ranges by units, 20-35m
    • all camo units should have the hold fire ability, also to get rid of some micro:
      • AT inf-teams could have a “tanks only” mode, just like AT canons
      • if camoed units get revealed and shot at, they should shoot back, no matter if they have a hold fire or so activated
    in reply to: gustavritter application #7728

    Welcome Gustav.

    Are you on the Wikinger discord as well? Please provide your discord name in here as well so we can come back on you when we have a space.

    in reply to: Lets talk about AT guns #7637

    I like your idea!

    A built at gun could spawn in a truck, just like iron will infantry.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Lorarius.
    in reply to: Bar suppression #7342

    I would prefer an automatic suppression mode once the squad is prone.

    in reply to: AT Rifle injuring drivers through viewports #7090

    Isn’t there already a critical like glasblock damaged? It could drastically limit the view.

    in reply to: CPU-Performance – Lag-Problems #6833

    RESOLVED – no further complaints and I know that Tyrannus’ PC is working fine now

    in reply to: A new way to play Wikinger: #6830

    similar minds….
    I wasn’t aware that would be possible to mod a limit on those.

    But if we wanna see some more mediums and light vehicles, there should be a solution for the very effective infantry at teams. One reason why I don’t like to use mediums is their high vulnerability to infantry at weapons.

    Anyone got a solution for that? Limit them to two at teams on the battlefield per player? Or even just 1?

    in reply to: The real balance issue! (no clickbate) #6747

    No idea if it is possible, but I like your ideas you point out.

    In my own game play I do not use light combat vehicles and also almost never at guns… So I am totally the stereotype of what you describe – and yes, it is because the at inf is so powerful.

    It would be nice to have a test game without the at infantry.

    I could imagine to highly restrict bazooka and panzerschreck and so on to the elite troops only.


    Kitty, please allow access to the file or no one can open it.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Lorarius.
    in reply to: CheatCommand Mod that is compatible with Wikinger? #6634

    Hey Jaga,

    we use it for our internal testing and remove it when the version switches to be a public one.

    For what would you like to have Wikinger with cheats? Just for testing purposes or also for comp stompt and pvp matches?

    in reply to: Beta Tester #6599

    Welcome No Mercy,

    good to have you here and even better to hear that you are such a regular player – keep on!

    in reply to: "Online & Skirmish" #6498

    Perfect, enjoy your games!

    in reply to: "Online & Skirmish" #6492

    Siegfried, can you invite others to your game?

    If not, it could be a problem with your firewall.

    in reply to: ExE95; UTC -3 #5976

    HI ExE,

    Welcome here and thanks for the kind words.

    Just go into the ‘looking for players’ voice channel or any other one if there are already people in.

    Cya ingame

    in reply to: Next Army to be modded #5946

    My vote: brits

    Of course I would love to see wehr and soviel first because of the majority of potential players have it, but as the British are so bad their demand for modding overweights.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 82 total)