As requested, here is the full flood of relevant balance posts. Pick and choose at your own leisure. We will let you set the boundaries of the sandbox, and try to keep specific suggestions/feedback within in. For the next beta, whenever that might be. We understand you guys probably have your own plans, so feel free to take from this only what you want. I would like to stress the importance, however, of addressing MBT, soviet early game and m15 issues. Thank you.
In-Depth look at medium tank stats
On the balance of tier 2 and 3.
Soviet Guards Rifle
On the balance of brits.
On the balance of ground fire:
Potential new ability for Panzergrens Panzer IV J’s
Nerf Hulldown by adding more prerequisites too going hull down
Let make clear: we do not expect you guys to give us all of this. Or any of this. These are just some frustrating issues at the moment, again, feel free to pick, discard, disagree, etc.
Respectfully yours,
The wikinger try-hard community.