Forum Replies Created
KeymasterTotally disagree with removing Panthers. This is a realism mod and Goering was powerful enough to have a panzer division with the best tank in the Airforce!! This is absolutely crazy but also so unique it should be celebrated not nerfed into oblivion. I think some people lose sight of this and only care about their PvP games. Im all for PvP balance but surely it shouldn’t mean that every doctrine is going to be a clone or exact match to its equivalent. Surely airstrikes should go before Panthers…
KeymasterHi Camelmaker, and welcome to the forum 🙂
KeymasterBritish are being extensively reworked, all I can say at this stage is Churchill will no longer be in every doctrine.
KeymasterThanks Nick, personally i prefer your idea of improving early engineers rather than re-adding riflemen. Will discuss internally.
KeymasterThanks Nick, some interesting points.
KeymasterRe IS-2 – What would you suggest we do as a realism mod? IS2 could pen Tiger 1 and Panther out to 1000 meters. Should only Germans have wonder weapons?
US Arty: We had so many ranty complaints when it was released (after beta testing) about how it was SOOO OP/PLZ NERF!! So we took a radical step to try a different historical approach and removed riflemen. Maybe we can come up with a compromise but i dont think they should have strong line infantry regardless of personal preference or “feelings”.
OKW Panzer Artillery – good concise feedback, if enough others agree this is a simple “easy” fix.
We are aware of the “doom” weapons and are working on ways to mitigate them.
Sherman Croc – unfortunately not possible. Sneakeye who is quite likely the most talented modder in the COH2 community tried to do it for his All Units Mod. The best he could manage was a stationery bunker version…
Thanks for the feedback
KeymasterHi Siegfrid, You could try verifying your game files on steam, maybe some are corrupted?
KeymasterBase bombing has been a problem for as long as I can remember, long before COH2 and Wikinger. The current system relies on an honour code to not “base bomb” unless you are winning and just want to finish off the game quickly. Unfortunately not all players stick to this or are simply not aware of it.
We will look to mod in a compromise on your suggestion, on field arty can still attack the HQ territory but only if they have line of sight. A similar mechanic to the precision barrage but it will apply to all barrages in the HQ territory only. This should simulate an end game scenario where the enemy is at the gates and the game is all but lost. If you are getting artied in your base then you must try to neutralise any spotter units.
KeymasterIm undecided on this to be honest. I agree it would be nice to see more of them in game, however I also know we don’t want to have to rebalance the entire doctrine. VE also gets mobile pioneers and Black Cats. What do you think they should lose as a trade off for strong starting infantry?
PS: Their upgrades could be blocked behind other upgrades to avoid being OP early too.
KeymasterOKW A.I is fixed!! Thanks to Starbuck and Sneakeye!
Compstompers rejoice 😆
KeymasterCan I still use my “Hello Kitty” skins?
KeymasterIt a great idea! Would fit for WW Sturmpioniere. Ideally it would be “tethered” to the unit by an invisible cable, so you can only drive the goliath so far from the parent unit before it stops (runs out of cable). The unit would then have to push quite close to their objective for a good risk/reward factor.
KeymasterWhile these stats for the 90mm are correct they are against vertical plate, most testing was done against 30 degree plate which is why it is a bit misleading.
KeymasterHi Issulf, welcome to the forum 🙂
KeymasterSdkfz 234/2 Puma in Wikinger has frontal armor Maximum – 39mm and Minimum – 35mm.
Meanwhile the HMG penetration stats are:
50cal/DHsK Ball: 22mm
50cal/DHsK AP rounds: 28mmSo unless something has gone wrong it should not be getting penned from the front, even with AP rounds…