Forum Replies Created
KeymasterStrange that it is only after you reinstalled your card. Maybe drivers?
otherwise it’s probably the nuclear option: uninstall coh2 and delete all mod files then start with a completely fresh install.
KeymasterSounds like your skin packs haven’t updated properly
KeymasterThe Jumbo was produced as a 75mm but was also “field modified “ to a 76mm.
as far as I know the speed has been adjusted including acceleration. Do you have the stats for us to check it?
KeymasterOnce the squad is fully reinforced the gun should re appear. The suggestion for the ambulance is just so you dont have to crawl back to your base.
If the gun isnt re appearing after full reinforce then its bugged…
KeymasterIts dipped in Stalinium…
Seriously though, it should perform the same as Us halftracks. If its consistently bouncing 6 pounder then it could be a bug…
KeymasterIts a good suggestion, however while the mod is still being built we decided to keep the tech tree descriptions as broad as possible. Then if things change we dont have to re-do artwork.
Its something we could look at once all doctrines are complete
KeymasterPurely for balance reasons.
We also wanted to portray the fact that the Pz 4 was by far the most common tank and should be used. Instead of players just waiting and waiting for heavier tanks.
KeymasterThey only had one Tiger. We could look to replace it with something else once lost.
But this will have to wait until we are done with Wehrmacht and Soviets
KeymasterI noticed you didn’t mention the Panzergrenadier combined arms unlock. Try putting a PzGr squad in a halftrack behind your Panzer 4s, it will give them a sight and range bonus. This bonus works on all your nearby fighting vehicles btw.
KeymasterBest maps for A.I is a bit of trial and error:
A lot of community maps are excellent but some do not allow for A.I pathfinding which means the A.I will get stuck in some places. This can also cause severe lag.
Relic maps are well balanced and have good pathfinding but there arent that many of them.
I would look at some of the highly rated map makers in the Mod Workshop and go from there.
Try to avoid maps that spawn weapons at the start, they will not be modded to Wikinger values and only give vanilla damage.
KeymasterMaybe? You are going to need to be more specific if you want us to check it. Which 20mm? Which AA truck? Which ammo?
KeymasterAll vehicles have their maximum and minimum armour values for front and rear in the unit descriptions. There is also maximum penetration values for each weapon as well.
KeymasterWeapon range is a tricky one with this game engine, especially with squads that have a mixture of weapons. The squad will only advance to engage at max range while the shorter range weapons are not used…
Morgoth has a point with the snowball effect, it would have to be done very carefully.
KeymasterPersonally I would look to make the upgrade cost a small amount of fuel, could make for some interesting early game decisions.
KeymasterWe do plan to adjust 50cal versus light vehicles. However it is a huge job to redo every vehicles target tables so it may take some time..