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  • in reply to: Bofors range increase or turning boost. #2282

    We are still working on a solution for AA. The problem is the game engine doesn’t differentiate between air and ground units with true sight. So to make AA more effective we need to increase their sight range to spot aircraft sooner but then they can be exploited to spot all units. We will look to fix AA properly but not for this patch sorry, its already too big.

    Will take a look at the bofors turn rate though.


    in reply to: Operation Greif #2135

    Always happy to hear new ideas. We will be working on the Brits next once AEF and SS are complete.

    Have you had a chance to try the beta yet?

    in reply to: Operation Greif #2080

    Iron Will is still very much ‘work in progress’ but is more based around the Volunteer SS Divisions fighting in desperate defensive battles on the Eastern Front.

    Here is an article that explains the doctrine name:

    Regarding Grief commandos, there is still 4 Wehrmacht doctrines to do as well so it could quite possibly fit there.

    in reply to: Operation Greif #2041

    Yeah it was certainly a bold plan that could have been more effective if they had longer to prepare.

    How do you think this should be implemented into Wikinger?


    in reply to: I wanna be BETA TESTER #1875

    Hi Elricofatal, you need to add me on steam to access the beta files. We do require that you give feedback on the forum.

    Details are here:

    Thanks for your offer to help, it is appreciated  🙂

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by MeatShieldNZ.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by MeatShieldNZ.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by MeatShieldNZ.
    in reply to: Soviet Shock army rework #1825

    Thanks for the ideas, yes the KV-2 is a problem. Especially when the mod is set in 44-45…

    in reply to: HMG Bug – Ongoing #1811

    Olhausen and I ran several tests to see if we could replicate the stuck HMG bug by damaging the weapon as suggested  but unfortunately we couldn’t get it to happen. HMG was crewed properly every time. It is the most annoying bug as it only happens very rarely but is very frustrating when it does. We will keep searching for a fix

    in reply to: Suggestion For German Mechanized #1744

    Nice ideas Sean, Wehrmacht rework is quite a while away but we will certainly take these into consideration when the time comes.

    in reply to: Sean's Bug Report 05/20/2017 3.1.5 BETA #1712

    You mean the booby trap MG42? Yes it is hard to test as you need to convince your enemy to pick it up. It’s still a work in progress but will be an amazing unique feature for Wikinger once it’s complete. We will be adding more weapon options too

    in reply to: Sean's Balance Report 05/20/2017 #1661

    Hi Sean,

    thanks for the feedback, can you clarify if this is the 3.1.5 beta or the main release version?


    1/ Too quickly as compared to what?

    2/ Airborne engineers? Yes they could have a smoke grenade if there is room in their abilities grid

    3/ We have addressed this with moving the MG42 up a tier in the beta, need feedback on how that is working.

    4/ Realism beats vanilla in this case sorry

    5/Again this is not vanilla where all doctrines are basically the same and then Relic sprinkle a little bit of airborne “flavoring’ on top. Wikinger is not balanced for 1v1, Airborne has serious infantry and air power but could be better as a support doctrine in larger team games. Historically the Airborne did not have access to armor other than external units being “attached” to their command. This is what we are simulating with the call ins so the player has to be smart about his limited anti armor abilities.

    6/ We will look at adding all historical ordnance as we work through each faction

    7/ Will take a look at cost

    8/ Agree this should not be happening. Would need to know what version this was in.

    9/ Will take a look, 1v1 maps to 4v4 maps are always difficult to balance range wise.

    10/ Agreed, makes more sense.

    And lastly thanks for your little meme but do you honestly believe that troops only carried a bazooka into combat? The game engine does not allow us to show the animation of slinging secondary weapons but this is what the “auto-bazooka” is simulating. An example below of a bazooka infantryman from 5th infantry division as they advance towards Paris.

    Thanks again for your detailed report.

    in reply to: Death_Kitty, applying for testing. #1543

    Thanks for your kind offer Death Kitty, we will be in touch   🙂

    in reply to: Hooray"MF"Imperius Applying for Beta Tester, #724

    Done  🙂

    in reply to: Soviet AT squads – by Morgoth #661

    Not if you cap it  😛

    in reply to: Kitty reporting. #511

    Welcome Kitty of Death!!

    Yeah the new format takes a bit of getting used to. 

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