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  • Death_Kitty

    The only thing I would suggest is that you don’t try to unlock things for infantry and rangers at the same time. They will delay your tanks and prevent you from developing either one. rangers play like stronger airborne that can cancel suppression with tanks and weaker support, while the rifle part plays like spammy luft.

    You do bring up some good point OP that I would like to address in a different thread.

    BTW the panther luft gets in the A version that has the manual turret, so they are the easiest to flank, and luft is low on munition 99% of the game so faust is low risk.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Death_Kitty.
    in reply to: When to use Stug? #4683

    1.) panzer has a turret and extra machinegun but cost more, stug is cheaper. Use HE when targeting buildings and infantry in the open.

    3.) yup. as for WW getting more tanks not really: you spend a lot of manpower on your 502nd jagers. but yes, it is the tiger rush doc.  Its called panzer division for a reason.

    in reply to: When to use Stug? #4668

    Well I’ll do my best to answer some of you questions:

    1.) Do not quote me on this but I think the StuG has lower received accuracy from tank shot, but panzer IV is still a better early tank killer. Like, a sherman E8/ t34-85 will eat a stug alive, so keep that in mind. not a replacement for heavier tanks. Playing Germans gives you stronger units, but also less of them, allies have more tanks than, that is why you want superior units early on. The panzer IV was a tank. The StuG is an assault gun. so basically: big cat ASAP use it to tank for panzer/stug.

    2.) I think it was Eisenhower that said: “the plan is everything before the battle, but worthless once it starts…” (Something like that), the same applies to my guides. (my luft guide is in sore need of an update though. probably that one most out of all my guides.) Late game roughly starts when the “signature” units and options start coming out, with someone breaking through after that. (i.e. panzer division getting out a tiger, airborne starting to call in heavier airstrikes, Armor doc transitioning into Sherman spam, luft going into panthers). If you make a breakthrough that succeeds in capturing and holding resource sectors, that also triggers endgame due to a resource imbalance… the line between the stages of the game are a bit grey tbh. (endgame can take awhile)

    3.) Sounds Good. The only thing I would suggest is keeping it down to 3 squads in the beginning for manpower reasons, but on larger maps 4 might be something ill have to try. In the midgame, If you find yourself floating on fuel (as you will with luft. It uses more munitions than fuel that why you can dispatch munitions) try building some mid-game light vehicles: ambulance is a good one, maybe a luchs if you need some mobile suppression, ostwind for AA. Don’t worry some much about spending fuel. if you float its ok. worry more about your manpower. with an infantry heavy doctrine its hard to transition to tanks b/c the infantry will take casualties, but goring does have 2 panzer G’s which are really good as opposed to the D’s you can build. If You need heavy armor sooner by all means buy a D.

    4.) Honestly, I always go Tiger first, because tiger can do more than a panther: more armor, bigger gun. Speed is not really vital here. Panther is more upgradeable, so one you get your tigers, panther is a good choice.

    hope that helped, keep asking!

    in reply to: When to use Stug? #4662

    Depends what your problem is: If you need to counter Sherman/Cromwell quickly, then the panzer IV is your best bet (or pak40 if you have it close, or panzerjager if they are not being suppressed before they can fire), but if you need to counter an opponent who is using buildings like the piece of human garbage he is, you want the stubby panzer. If you want something in between, get the Stug. The Stug is harder to kill than the panzer, (lower profile), can do better against tanks than stubby panzer, and by getting it you can skip the HE shell upgrade, but no turret. Unless you opponent has taken building on your half of the map, and you are being denied of resources, or your opponent start pushing with tanks, you can usually hold off until your first panther/tiger comes onto the field. pak 40 helps a lot for denying the first Sherman until the big cat comes out. Generally think of the midgame as being very static and the panzer IV, and stug as supplements to the big cats in late game.

    Midgame is more for digging in along the established front line, when you are going to be playing “chess” against you opponents: incessantly probing their defenses (usually with infantry) while resisting their attempts to do the same, while hoarding resources for your big unlocks and heavy units.

    Now you can build the lighter tanks to create an early breakthrough, but against US wolverines/ bazookas which come pretty early, soviet antitank everything, and British emplacements, sustaining an advance will be difficult without heavy tanks- you need the sheer tankiness.

    I’d shamefully self advertise my guides if you have not read them already, but a few are a bit out of date pending some issues I’m having with posting, so if you do choose the read them, keep them in mind.

    Hope that helped… if not, keep asking and I keep telling you what I know.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Death_Kitty.
    in reply to: When to use Stug? #4657

    generally when my opponent is being annoying and sticks units in buildings, i’ll build a stug or even the stubby gun panzer 4 to clear the building. lets me avoid an HE upgrade on a panzer IV. Stug is more survivable and better against  tanks than stubby panzer, so yeah.

    in reply to: Changelog 3.1.6b hotfix live on Steam now ! #4165

    Is this update out yet btw?

    in reply to: Changelog 3.1.6b hotfix live on Steam now ! #4121

    THANK YOU! I’ve wanted these changes for luft ever since the doc came out!!

    Doc will need to be updated though… lorarius will be so happy >;D

    in reply to: Infantry Doc Guide #3981

    [quote quote=3968]Another great guide. Thanks Death Kitty. One thing I have found to use in place of the ambulance is the forward medic station that can be build on a strategic point. It also serves as a retreat point and can be built straight away by your engineers. However, you are correct that not having the platoon command post does deny you the 57 AT gun. Again, great guide. [/quote]

    I prefer the ambulance, b/c if you need it too, the ambulance can pack up and haul ass, as well as heal units around its, while its moving. The filed hospital can work, i just prefer the safety and mobility of the ambulance. Also command points are not always in convenient locations.

    in reply to: 2 little announcements! #3951

    AH! I did now know that! Will edit right away!

    in reply to: hello i am new #3877

    OH WOW! another american! Finally compatible time zones! Welcome, and I hope to see you around


    love it!


    Now this is more like it!


    Could a similar “rapid mobility” upgrade be given to the PaK at vet 1? Otherwise, this changelog looks much better.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Death_Kitty.

    1 thing about cool down timers: don’t touch SS panzer division. If you make those cool-downs any harsher, you risk nerfing the doc to unplayability. 502nd Jager is mandatory for them!

    Airborne could use with higher cool-downs though…

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Death_Kitty.

    Everything looks sweet, especially that katyusha change.

    EDIT: and I’m gonna have some doc guide updates to do.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Death_Kitty.
    in reply to: Airborne Guide #3464

    [quote quote=3462]Great Guide. Especially the info about Easy Company. I really never use them. I had no idea they were such a good unit. [/quote]

    They really are. they provide something that airborne really lacks, and that’s long range anti infantry and suppression. Elite german units, like fallshirmjager and 502nd jager will kill your airborne units at close range, because even though your Thomson units are good, Germans have better. These guys are as close to a hard counter as you will get for the german elite infantry.

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