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ModeratorIf you want people to stop base bombing stop hiding king tigers to repair with their rear ends stuck into the corner of the map. That’s all i got to say.
ModeratorPersonally I don’t like it. Panzergrens are elite infantry, and giving them to SE early seems a little out of place. Grens are the basic units of OKW, and I think it should stay that way.
If anything they should come in with an earlier call in, like maybe a squad with the captured firefly, but that’s it.
Moderatorthe idea is so that IW can entrench earlier, digging trenches and sandbags, b.c lets be honest, unless they are in green cover, IW infantry fall apart real fast. That’s the main idea. they are cheap, so they should not delay any major builds too much.
ModeratorWhat do you all think about moving the penal squad for IW up to tier 0?
Moderatorthat is kind of a relic left over from when wunder was the OP doc. Ill go ahead and remove that.
ModeratorJust some quick statements on arty doc:
WAYYYY TO MUCH ARTY, WAYYYY TO MUCH MUNITIONS, WAYYYYYY TO GOOD ENGINEERS. that bout sums it up. Moving the scott to inf, limiting wolverines, giving upgrades, and making doc in general more munition heavy were all steps in the right direction.
Removing the riflemen from the doc is both daring and genius, and really creates a US doc with weaker early game: love it. However, i do wish arty came with some warning, like aircraft, and i do wish there could be a way to limit the range the division arty could only be called in within a certain radius of the spotter foxhole, and it should be fairly short range, like in the sector immediately behind the front line, to allow axis to find it an kill it.
This reply was modified 6 years, 12 months ago by
ModeratorI’m starting to get turned off from the mod by the amount of “nukes” on the allied side. Like I’m avoiding playing the mod b/c i know its going to involve AB, arty and russia, and its going to involve the marauder and arty. I hate how those 2 doctrines seemingly always have the munitions to call down air/arty strikes that always kill my units, like KT. I seldom lose KT to anything but marauder anymore. the elite infantry are also horrible, as i like playing docs that don’t have them: IW and armor, and my infantry always seem outclassed.
I hate how IW can’t counter early mortars, I hate how many no skill nukes there are right now. Rocket strike= free dead tiger 90% of the time, no use building hq trucks forward anymore b/c marauder. And the most frustrating think is i don’t think it can be balanced, b/c no matter what, it will come. you can delay the unlock by raising command points, raise munitions, make cooldown longer, but it is still OP in the end. AB was supposed to be a doc with a big weakness in that it had no tanks, but with its airstrikes and infantry that does not matter.
I HATE how normal infantry don’t matter anymore. You want a tank/elite inf/mg/ANYTHING IMPORTANT killed/capped, if you don’t have elite infantry, your SOL.
And when you put both arty and AB together, I just want to leave. Rage quit. Every time you stop, arty. Every time you make tiger: airstrike. Every time you try and take point, those bloody engineers show up in their half track with flamer, or old crock comes, or even airborne engies with that OP shotgun. Burn all you infantry, immobilize you tanks, kill you emplacements, your trucks… Monga wanted some arty feedback so here it is:
- the m8, m10, black dragon, long tom, priest, 75mm battery make for WAY TOO MUCH ARTY. From a doc that down not really need to build tanks, they ALWAYS have fuel to convert to munitions, so they can always bombard. Even with over half the map under US control, the priest can still hit targets from the US base, or just outside of it far too often Oh and the 88mm gun also can barrage, nearly forgot!
- The engineers are ridiculous. The flamer, and the medic make them soooooo hard to kill. when they hit high vet, impossible.
- Why do the trapped log barricades become AI controlled when you build them (at least VS ai)
- for a doc that already has great arty to kill tanks (and 88) , giving jacksons is a bit excessive.
- due to that damage of the 57mm emplacement even on the rare occasions when it pens even when you use the special ammo, I hereby declare it useless.
- Combine this with AB in the same game and the “support” options are just silly. The game becomes cancer.
*sigh* that was angry, i know. I’m also going to add i have not seen the m8 Scott in action, I hope you guys fixed the accuracy from beta b/c if not… that thing 1 hit squads every time you used its barrage. Hope this was changed.
This reply was modified 7 years ago by
Moderator[quote quote=6293]
cough You really need to get rid of elite units don’t give a damn about a MG in front of them and still get in range with their flamethrowers. aka suppression. ASAP And I mean this bloody serious.
I second ordo here. The only unit that should be able to break suppression is rangers with heroic charge. THATS IT.
Veterancy is too easy to get, if it was much harder to earn it would make the reward much more relevant. Right now this is how many points it takes to get to each level
- Vet 1 – 800
- Vet 2 – 1200
- Vet 3 – 2400
- Vet 4 – 3400
- Vet 5 – 4600
We can look to make levels four and five much harder to achieve to make these “rewards” much more valuable. Or we can tone down the rewards. I know Olhausen doesn’t seem keen to eliminate the super soldiers, but I also know it is a source of contention for many players, especially because regular soldiers become null and void in the late game compared to these supermen.[/quote]
For the love of this mod, please…
Down with the super soldiers!!!
Delaying the problem is not fixing it. (which is all raising the vet XP does) They should not be able to avoid so much damage to begin with. The received accuracy at high vet levels needs to shoot up a lot.
This reply was modified 7 years ago by
ModeratorI second ordo here. The only unit that should be able to break suppression is rangers with heroic charge. THATS IT.
This reply was modified 7 years ago by
ModeratorA nice statement @LynustheJok3r , but a lot of your 3/4 point system is invalidated by certain abilities. Why do you need armor if you have 2 airstrikes that can kill them in 1 hit, and more munitions than you can possibly spend b/c you don’t need fuel. Same with arty doc. Perhaps paratroopers and engineers should also cost fuel to prevent such ability spam. Someone has togas up those planes and halftracks… 2 of the US doctrines cover their weaknesses with support powers so well they don’t have weaknesses. This makes them actually stronger than OKW docs, while infantry and armor are worthless inc comparison.
ModeratorAfter playing some games with the new patch, I feel like I’m seeing so much AB and arty from US. I feel like these doctrines can do too much. AB has so much great infantry, engines with shotguns (this NEEDS to go), old crock, easy company… in addition to having 2 nukes (rocket run and Mitchel)
Arty is similar: great arty, proximity priest, long tom/BD, jacksons, captured 88, great infantry in the form of the engineers.
Inf and armor are seldom seen I feel. Could we actually reduce the manpower rate for arty and AB?
ModeratorI’m suggesting the US infantry gets a better replacement depot that also increases manpower tick rate, in addition to what it already does. Iron will, the fuhrerbefiel is available pretty late, and comes with downsides. The iron will bunker could increase the manpower tick a little.
ModeratorI have a couple issues:
In general, veterancy needs to be looked at for units like 502nd Jager, falls, Old crock, easy company, maybe rangers. At higher vets, elite units take so little damage, even from units designed to counter infantry like the luchs which does “peanut damage” to elite airborne units.
Maybe a buff to luchs damage?
Factions like armor, infantry, and maybe iron should get a manpower building so they can scale late game and replace their losses. for the US factions you can use the base buildings like you used the base building for artillery and the bunker for IW.
IW roadblocks should be free, and the pak emplacement might do well with going from 480 to 400 manpower. they should give this doc some strength in defending their positions from rushed armor while under mortar spam. Also the flak emplacement could use some more damage resistance. It dies way too easy.
decrease the CP to unlock rangers from 4 to 3, and the cp to unlock assault rangers from 3-2, combine medal of honor with assault vest and give the riflemen part of infantry doc actually some good abilities. My idea is:
Rifleman ingenuity > supple cache > repple depple > leadership
Rifle ingenuity would be something like the field craft of the engineers/arty doc, letting rifles build some sort of light emplacements, for, like 2-3 CP, supply cache could give riflemen some new equipment like shotguns or something similar or even unlock the automatic bar the rifles currently get when platoon command post is finished, repple-depple unlocking the manpower building and combine Replacement Depot and rapid deployment, leadership giving the captain squad some extra men, the commission ability and some good auras. The current abilities are very weak and boring.
I know mongalong has a lot of great ideas for armor, but i just would like to again suggest to have a manpower building and add a few changes to the production part of the doc, turn it into:
fuel dispatch > american war machine (combines the reduced time and cheaper tank upgrades)> Tank Support depo unlock: the tank depo gives you access to the wet storage upgrade and makes the manpower tick go up.
I just think some US doctrines and Iron will should get more manpower, b/c of how they play, as it would make them more balanced and is historically realistic (IW is a doctrine that has units from many different nations, so more manpower, and the US is the US), but to tie it to a building/unlock so a faction cant just floor the early game with a bunch of units.
That’s all i got for now.
ModeratorI would love to see the vampir come back
Moderator[quote quote=6132] 3. Buff IS-2 / ISU-152 AT capabilities IS-2 is a great AI tank but it surely is underperforming against German super heavies. Give it a higher chance to stun these types of vehicles. All in all Russians as they are, they’re super powerful already. Their units are well balanced for the purpose of the mod (they stand toe to toe against OKW). The only thing that really needs to be worked on is the tech tree. Good job guys [/quote]
NOOOOOO! The IS already 1 hit kills TIGERS in some situations, and pens jagdtigers and KT easy, while being very well armored and having a dishka for anti-infantry. The 152 can 1 hit infantry squads, most emplacements, kill most vehicles outright, and stuns anything it doesn’t kill. Plus it also has a dishka. The KV-2 can stunlock vehicles completely (the stun effect lasts longer then the KV-2’s reload). Russian vehicle AT does not need a buff in the least.
[quote quote=6140][/quote]
I have to staunchly oppose this proposal, as this would force me to more or less boycott the mod. Having polish soldiers fighting along-side the soviets as “allies” is too much of a slap in the face, considering what happened at Katyn, the Warsaw uprising, the invasion of Poland, and the occupation after the war.
I can support the Polish fighting alongside the brits, but never this.
This reply was modified 7 years ago by
This reply was modified 6 years, 12 months ago by