I endorse Morgoth’s view. I’ve played both for and against the Soviets, and with this in their inventory it they can just steamroll the battlefield.
I’ve tested hard countering and short of mining everywhere on suitable maps the German side can’t usually deploy an adequate counter early enough
In a 3v3 multiplayer it’s just too easy for one soviet to turtle and focus on unlocking the 122/152 then combine with a couple of other tanks to sweep opponent heavy armour off the field. Game over.
As Morgoth says it’s the one-shotting while mobile and high rate of fire that makes this unbalanced (to say nothing of hugely a-historical).
Suggested fixes
- Make at least one variant work like an SPG artillery barrage unit
- Slower rate of fire
- Lower pen. stats (Morgoth’s idea)
- Pause before shot (Morgoth’s idea)
- Make it fire able to fire when ‘setup for tank hunting / area fire – which makes it immobile, but can rotate. Needs to be be micro managed