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  • in reply to: The Balance Issues Thread #6450

    HE is still an issue for me. Early Shermans have unlimited use of it (one time activation). They can kill a whole Squad of the best Infantry by one shot. Even the SdKfz Anti Air gives the enemy the possibility to retreat his Infantry. I am fine with the good anti Infantry abilities of early Shermans, but now it’s too strong and too low prized.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Tyranus.
    in reply to: The Balance Issues Thread #6421


    In my opinion there are some problems with the base-bombing issue. Right now there are several artillery-units that are able to fire on the enemy’s main headquarters. I played a match last week, and my antagonist used several artillery units to create a constant bombardment on my headquarters. Especially in annihilation, this can result in a monotonous match.

    After a while of constant bombardment the match can be finished, because there are no possibilities to repair the buildings of the headquarters. Engineers will die in Artillery fire and there are no other options to repair your buildings, prevent it of being destroyed and the resulting defeat.

    In my (arrogant) opinion the match should be decided between the headquarters. At the moment all off-map-Artillery can’t be used on the headquater-sectors and that is great. Now my suggestion is to disable all on-map Artillery units attacking that sectors, too. On small maps (especially 1vs1 matches) this base-bombing is a large problem (in my opinion), and on larger maps, matches that are not yet completely over, the use of artillery on the headquarters will make it often impossible for the faction with the inferior position to come back in the game and (perhaps) change the situation on the battlefield.

    I made the following experiences with these Units that are making the most base-bombing right now:

    1. Su-76

    2. Priest, Sherman M4M3

    3. Caliope, Stuka zu Fuß, Maultier and Katyusha

    4. LeFH18, 25 Pounder, 152 and 203 mm Howitzer

    5. Land mattress

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Tyranus.
    in reply to: The Balance Issues Thread #6381

    Here some thoughts about two major topics:

    Most of the balance problems is due to the Infantry structure and weapons with enormes firepower.

    Infantry structure:

    Basically there are two major groups of Infantry: the Basis (for example Rifle Men for US) and the ‚Upper-Class‘ (for example Old Crock). (Engineers, Snipers, … are building other Groups of course).

    In my opinion there is no big focus on the difference of these two groups right now. It should not be the qualities in direct combat (man against man) that make the difference, it’s the special abilities that the Elite Units have (and the Basic soldiers even not). We all know, that the mod gives the Elites a lot of specializations (and I love that).

    So what’s now the problem. The Elites have also an outstanding power in combat and life points, that makes it nearly impossible for basic units to stand up to them (in direct combat).

    I think that most of the players won’t recruit these Elites because of their special abilities, but rather because of those combat abilities. You only have to send your Old Crock to the direct frontline, and he will make meat of your enemy troops. Just be a bit cautious that not all soldiers of your Old Crock will die, so click the retreat button early enough. That’s the reason why basic units have no use for the player in mid and especially in late game. The mod throws so many units away in mid and late game, that could bring much more diversity to the mod.

    But lets have a look back to a real battlefield. The normal soldier represents the fundament of direct fights on the frontline. Both factions have to pay the price to send and lose a large number of poor young unexperienced foot soldiers, the normal infantrymen; but only the faction will win, that is the best in using the abilities of their Elite Units. And I think that these rules of war must rejoin to the mod. You are sending your basic Infantry to the foremost frontline, a lot of them will die, war is terrible. They bring the fundament of your army. But you will always have a special view on your Elites, they will bring the change in battle, so don’t lose them. We want predominately to use their special abilities, not their firepower in men against men combat. An Elite is just too valuable to be scorched as a foot soldier.

    So here my questions: Why are units like Old Crock and the Command Squad from the Infantry doctrine so powerful in direct combat? I want to use their specializations, and won’t treat them like a normal foot soldier. When I think about Old Crock, I see an high experienced old Veteran, which major advantages are his abilities to enthuse the normal Infanterist. I think that all Command Squads should not be so powerful in direct combat.

    The 82nd Engineers could be more used in infiltration than in rushing the enemy from the field. The Ranger Assault Squad is the right one for it. Let them do the job.

    There should be a balance between special abilities on the one hand and firepower/ life points on the other. If a Squad has specializations, it should be reduced especially in firepower (and reversed).

    The Elites bring one big advantage to the mod. The game can get a small touch of a RPG.

    The most headache I get is from Airborne at the moment, because there are 5 Elite Squads that have specializations and extreme combat force. I would change the 82nd more to an infiltration squad, Old Crock as a Supporter for all Basic infantry (who gives them fighting spirit) and the Easy Company as Assault troops for the direct combat. The abilities of the player in combining and supporting these units will bring the victory. Right at the moment all of these troops have nearly the same role, they have specializations, enormes firepower and life points. Combining isn’t so important right now as it could.

    When I am playing Airborne I would only recruit Rifles at the beginning to conquer. Later, they have no uses for me anymore, there are so many Elites who can do almost everything (and everything better). And there is no high argument to chose the Infantry doctrine anymore, because all you need in question Infantry, you can get in Airborne right now (combined with so many powerful airstrikes).

    Weapons with enormes Firepower:

    The basic advantage of the game should be, that there is an existing possibility to respond on every used weapon. (easiest Example: Anti Tank against Tanks – Combat Infantry against Anti Tank – Tanks against Combat Infantry). The problem with ‚weapons with enormes Firepower‘ like B-26 Bombing, Arado and Red Dragon is, that there is no such cycle which gives the player an ability to respond. OKW has a large disadvantage because of there mobile base structures. Especially on smaller maps the degree of efficiency of B-26 and Red Dragon rise ad infinitum. The Arado can’t be used against the allied ‚Inner-Cycle‘ (and that’s fine!).

    Tanks like the KingTiger becoming more and more to a vulnerable kitty, if you are playing against Airborne (and Artillery, but in a smaller extent). You always have to observe it, because you can’t afford to lose it while, because of this focus, the enemy gets an advantage from your new diversion made by the KingTiger. Such units are becoming more and more a burden. It’s a pity!

    The mod loses a lot diversity by those Super-Weapons. In case of the B-26, sometimes the player only needs two simple steps to finish a whole match. (1) Sending a recon flight, have a look where are the best targets (Base or Heavy tanks) and (2) launch your Marauder. That’s not at the appropriate rate to the depth the mod is giving in other spheres.

    As an old BK player and new Wikinger fan, !please! have a higher focus on diversity in question of the cycles!

    (So, where is the forum to post positive statements about the new doctrines? I have so many of it, not only negatives… 🙂 )

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Tyranus.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Tyranus.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Tyranus.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Tyranus.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Tyranus.
    in reply to: The Balance Issues Thread #6334

    Here my notices since the last Update:

    Overview, which doctrines made the most damage:

    US:                                        OKW:

    1. Airborne                           1. Fallschirm

    2. Artillery                            2. Wunderwaffe

    3. Infantry / Armor             3. IW / Artillery



    – IS-2 can kill a whole Squad with only one single shot (too strong)

    – IS-2 destroys a Tiger I (heavy tank) with a single shot, while the KingTiger needs 2 for a Sherman (medium tank)

    – only the Opel Blitz can transport heavy MGs; Allies can’t

    – Opel Blitz have 5 open slots for Infantry, Allied trucks only 2

    – Flamethrowers should make all the same damage. It’s not logically that f.e. the 291nd Engineers can suffer more damage made by a flamethrower than other units.

    – Generally the range of strength of all Intrantry units is too high and is even expanded by veterancy. Allies have much more ‚Elite‘ units than the Germans


    early game: 

    – Allies are extremely fast to rush the field (easier for US than OKW)

    – Over all US Infantry is stronger than german in combat

    late game:

    – ‚Wunderwaffen‘ like KingTiger and Jagdtiger are neutralized in combat because of the US Air and Artillery abilities ( rocket Strafe, B-26, Red Dragon ); Rocket Strafe and Red Dragon should not destroy a KT, JT and Elephant completely; there must be a counter against the B-26 ( for example: the use of AntiAir makes it impossible for B-26 to bomb this sector; at the moment there is only the base, where these Heavy Tanks are save of being bombed; I think there must be a possibility to neutralize a sector of being bombed by B-26 )



    – 5 ‚Supersoldier‘ Squads are too much (perhaps instead of 2 x 82nd Engineers only 1 x Squad)

    – in my Opinion the Infantry is stronger than the Infantry of the ‚Infantry doctrine‘

    – perhaps move Shotguns from 82nd Engineers to Rangers Assault Squad

    – B-26 is too strong in lategame; can neutralize the effect of German ‚Wunderwaffen‘ (heavy tanks)


    – ‚Black Dragon‘ destroys a KingTiger with a single shot (too strong)

    – Engineers too strong

    – Limit of Jacksons to (perhaps) a single tank on the field


    – normal Infantry too weak against normal Allied Infantry (that’s not historically accurate; there were a lot ‚fanatics‘ in the SS and fanaticism is one of the most powerful abilities for Infantry)

    – Double click on a single Squad will choose all units, but not of one type.

    – Panzerfaust needs much time being fired

    – reinforcing takes too long. It’s not possible to use the ‚Shift’ key by creating a queue of several commands, because the control of the unit goes over to that one which is reinforced. The Shift key could help a lot.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 12 months ago by Tyranus.
    in reply to: Next Army to be modded #5973

    When the modders start with Brits, the problem will be the same for BETA tester. A rotation between Brits and Soviets could enable the new scenario West-Allies vs Soviets (for the modders who are bored always playin OKW). Nevertheless it is necessary that OKW will be tested vs the reworked faction…

    in reply to: Next Army to be modded #5971

    Why not rotate between Soviet and British? Same as OKW and Americans last time

    in reply to: Next Army to be modded #5970
    1. Soviet
    2. British
    3. Wehrmacht

    For me there are 3 different ‘families’ of factions. The Soviets (standing alone), the Germans and the West-Allies. Of course there is a big difference between the British and American faction, for me more than between OKW and Wehrmacht, but I believe that with new tech trees for the Soviets the mod would have a larger spectrum for the players. The modders started with a focus on the West theatre of the war, and I would prefer a slewing to the east now. Otherwise it would take possibly a year for new Soviet tech trees, for all Soviet-players a long time…

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