Version 3.1.8 Now live on Steam !!

Home Forums Development Changelog Version 3.1.8 Now live on Steam !!

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    • #5415

      Hi guys, modding not stop and we have a long way ahead. We start now the new patch. This patch is going to focus on:

      . New American doctrine US Artillery

      [table id=18 /]

      . Balance tweaks

      . Fix bugs

      . New elements for all factions

      Wehrmacht forces:

      • Added Jagdtiger Tank Commander upgrade
      • Added Elephant Tank Commander upgrade
      • Fixed Defensive doctrine sniper animation. Now it correctly applies the animation to the sniper rifle.
      • Removed long shot ability from Tank Hunter Tigers
      • Leig 18 75mm howitzer scatter multipliers +5%
      • Increased the number of snipers x2 in all factions
      • Decrease “Walking Stuka” accuracy and HE rounds area effect damage

      British Commonwealth:

      • Fixed Churchill top gunner.
      • Fixed missing icon for disable scope ability for RAF sniper
      • Churchill Crocodille:
      1. Added top gunner
      2. Added Tank Commander
      3. Added side stens defenses. Tank crew will open the side hatches to fire nearby enemy infantry.
      4. Increased the number of snipers x2 in all factions

      SS German Elite forces:

      • Removed garrison option for Kommando Bunker in Iron Will doctrine
      • Removed ramming ability from Captured T-34 series vehicles. Is not historical accurate, because it was a rusky tactic.
      • Fixed Iron Will doctrine Pioneer animation. Now it correctly apply the animation for the panzerfaust.
      • Fixed Charlemange Defensive gear. Now they can upgrade LMG 42 and Panzershreck
      • Added Tank Commander to Panzer II Luch
      • Increased the dispersion area for SE Sector artillery from 5 to 25 meters radious.
      • Removed IW Pak40 emplacement toggle ability.  The ability is now native to emplacement without having to use the toggle.
      • Added a 50-50 chance to King Tiger Call-in to get a different tank commander Karl Körner with a new skin in addition to the Kurt Knispel skin.
      • New Bewahrungstruppe upgrade system:

      a. At vet 3 they will gain their freedom through bravery and the player could decide to promote them, only in their HQ territory

      b. After promotion the unit will transform into a 6 man squad armed with x4 MP40 and Kar 98

      c. Squad will then be able to level up to vet 4

      d. They will gain new uniforms, description, portraits and symbols. Retreat is now available the same as other troops.

      • Added Luchs Tank Commander upgrade
      • Removed reinforce button of some Iron Will remaining troops: Hans Command Squad, Pak 40 emplacement, Freewill starting troops
      • Removed from Fallschirmjager regiment 6 the campfire build ext to avoid bugs related to reinforce in winter maps.
      • Removed attack ground ability for Iron Will ML-20 152 mm captured artillery
      • Removed long shot ability for Wunderwaffe & Tank Hunter Tigers
      • Reworked Tiger Long shot ability:

      1st step: Player will be required to toggle Tiger Scope magnification x2.5 ability. Then Tiger commander will stop vehicle and will use maximum scope magnification. The Cone angle will be reduced to 20 degrees, sight radius increased to 125 meters and the detect camo capability increased to 65 meters.

      2nd step: Long shot ability will appear in the grid ability and the player will be able to use the long shot.

      3rd step: Long shot ability will be enabled from 70 to 125 meters range. Not more and not less. The Tiger will be able to shoot normally from 5 to 70 meters. This way it will be impossible to perform double shots.

      4thLong shot ability is now available only for one of the Iron Will call in Tigers.

      • Iron Will Hull down ability is available for only one Tiger tank in the dispatch ability
      • Increased long shot cost from 45 to 70 ammo.
      • Removed APCR rounds from Iron Will captured vehicles Su-85 and T-34/85
      • Removed Tank Commandr upgrade from Iron Will T-34/85 captured vehicles
      • Leig 18 75mm howitzer scatter multipliers +5%
      • 120mm Heavy Mortar scatter multipliers +10%
      • Adjusted Iron Will Commander abilities order:
      1. Sniper dispatch
      2. Narwa dispatch
      3. Charlemagne dispatch
      4. Jaguar dispatch
      5. KV series dispatch
      6. Manpower dispatch
      • Tiger reload time:
      1. Veterancy level will reduce a max of 15%. Best case scenario reload time will be 7.65
      2. Reduced reload time from 10.9 to 9
      • Adjusted all tiger special rounds duration time. Reduced from 20 to 15 seconds to match with the new tiger reload times. This allows the tiger one special round shot per activation.
      • Removed one sniper from Scorched Earth doctrine
      • Removed egg grenade from Iron Will Ungarn and added Molotov Cocktail ability

      US American Forces:

      • Nerf a bit the M1917A1 in the same way than HMG Vickers in the previous patch.
      • Added to buildable M-26 Pershing HMG .50 cal upgrade
      • Added +1 build limit to the M-26 Pershing
      • Added Sticky bomb ability to American forces in the follow way:
      1. 82 Airborne Engineers
      2. Rangers demolition Squad
      3. Infantry Riflemen RTC dispatch
      4. Basic Engineers get it as an upgrade for airborne/artillery/infantry doctrine
      5. Infantry doctrine Riflemen get it as an upgrade, but they lose the rifle AT grenade ability.
      6. This weapon act similar to magnetic mine regarding behavior.
      7. The weapon has not too much damage but strong criticals. Critical 1: Lose treads or wheels. Critical 2: transmission damage. Critical 3: Crew 40 seconds stunned.
      • Increase the chance to get a Panther call in for Infantry doctrine RTC.
      • Pack howitzer 75mm scatter multipliers +5%
      • 107mm Heavy Mortar scatter multipliers +10%
      • Added new weapon M-97 Shotgun. We have no model for it but we use the Svt-40. Also we added smoke, canister animation, decorator icon, accurate weapon modding (reload time, cooldowns, damage, precision etc) and sounds to compensate the lack of model. The final result is very good.
      •  Rework riflemen specialize pack:
      1. AT pack: Bazooka + Sticky bombs.
      2. LMG pack .30 cal
      •  Rework AEF Engineer upgrades:
      1. Airborne + infantry doctrines will get only tools upgrade
      2. Artillery doc. will get one of two packs options: Option 1 Combat pack: x6 Graseguns + Sticky bombs. Option 2 defensive pack: Tools, barbed wire cutter and Minesweeper
      3. Armored doctrine will get flamethrower + Tools.
      • Removed P-47 recon flight and changed for P-38 recon flight
      • Increased the number of snipers to 2 for all factions
      • Fixed the requirements for M3 repair station “upgrade”
      • Added M16 AA Quad 50 to Armored Doctrine
      • Added Dozer Ram ability to Sherman 105mm


      • 120mm Heavy Mortar scatter multipliers +10%
      • Increased the numbers of snipers in all factions from 1 to 2
      • Added Su-2R recon plane for Shock army


      • Fixed problem with OKW AI not building sWs trucks.  Now AI will be a tough adversary like our other factions.  Hard and Expert difficulties will build their trucks in base to quicken the construction of light, medium and heavy armor.  Feedback on our new OKW AI will be needed for adjustment and improvement.
      • Fixed all problems regarding recon planes. Now planes will do a more realistic recon and we also added more historically accurate planes.
      • Added new criticals to convensional HE artillery in game. The criticals will allow damage engine, destroy well, transmision damage, vehicle crew shock. Basically more caliber generate more and better criticals.
      • Increased bazooka & Piat penetration vs Tiger & Panther tanks: frontal armor penetration chance 20% to both of them.
      • Infantry Observers x6 magnification: Reduce the recon distance to have the same values of sniper magnification x6
      • Vehicles observers and special artillery structures focus on artillery off map call in will mantaing his actual recon range.
      • Disable the weapon of the vehicles in the “out of control” critical
      • Added a new Wikinger Skin Packs implementation:  see this post
      • Added more realistic vehicle explosions when the vehicle dies. The explosion and the damage will depend on vehicle type.

      •  Sniper reconfiguration step one: Reduce the massive distances in x4 and x6 and increase a bit the crappy ones

      German rifles: 

      a. Kar 98 x1.5: 80m 6.6% more

      b. Kar 98 x4: 150m 25% less

      c. Kar 98 x6: 180m 40% less

      d. G-43 x4: 150m 25% less

      Soviet rifles:

      a. Mosin Nagant x3.5: 140m 20% less

      b. Mosin Nagant x4: 150m 25% less

      American rifle:

      Springfield x2.2: 125m 13.6% more

      British rifle:

      Lee Enfield x3.5: 140m 20% less

      ⦁ Reconfiguration step two:

      a. Remove one sniper from scorched earth and avoid in the future to have 3 snipers per doc

      b. Allow the americans and other factions to have more snipers for balance reasons. All factions will get x2 snipers. The difference will be in rifle quality. Americans will have the worst ones and Axis the best ones.

      c. Removed suppression from all sniper rifles. I will work in special abilitites for sniper to get suppression with a paid ability

      d. Snipers became visible for 3 seconds after shoot. This way the enemy will have a chance to detect it and kill him.

      e. Added “No Rotation” button for all Snipers in game

      f. Remove 3 seconds auto camouflage in cover from all of them. The camouflage will be activated manually by the user.

      • Mines Tweaks: Mines had problem in Wikinger then we decided to fix them.

      a. Anti personal mines adjustments in area & damage effect.

      b. Anti tank mines adjustments in critical & damage.

      c. Added historical values adjustments to have an historical proportion in all mines

      • Repair ability adjustments:


      a. Increase the basic “heal action amount” during repair ability. Then will be less hard to repair HQ buildings, Forwards HQs trucks and trenches.

      b. Fix the problem related with the veterancy, now all engineer units in game will gain repair speed when they vet up in the proper way.

      c. Removed the advanced repair ability.

      Vehicle crews:

      a. Adjust the repair values

      b. Fixed some problems related to the veterancy up.

      Win Condition Pack:

      • Added pop cap selection to anihilation mode


      • This topic was modified 7 years ago by Olhausen.
      • This topic was modified 7 years ago by starbuck.
      • This topic was modified 7 years ago by Olhausen.
      • This topic was modified 7 years ago by Olhausen.
      • This topic was modified 7 years ago by Olhausen.
      • This topic was modified 7 years ago by Olhausen.
      • This topic was modified 7 years ago by Olhausen.
      • This topic was modified 7 years ago by Olhausen.
      • This topic was modified 7 years ago by starbuck.
      • This topic was modified 6 years, 12 months ago by Olhausen.
    • #5427

      *redacted ;)*

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Death_Kitty.
      • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Death_Kitty.
      • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Death_Kitty.
    • #5715

      and some more update…


    • #6130

      Bump. Change log updated


    • #6131

      OKW A.I is fixed!! Thanks to Starbuck and Sneakeye!

      Compstompers rejoice  😆


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