Temporary Corpse Gamemode?

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    • #9404

      I find the fact that the corpse stay for the whole match, really hinder the performance for low spec pc or a non-optimized cpu user like me (AMD Ryzen 5 2600x),
      and after an hour of annihilation gameplay in huge map, big stutter happen because of it, as the choke point are literally filled with infantry corpse.
      I tested with other mods such as realism mod & spearhead. the fps is still stable.
      this is with 125 PopCap.

    • #9407

      In Wikinger we have a mixation of this feature. Some corpse stays and others disapear. The problematic is: if we put all corpse stay in a single game mode then the amount of corpse will be too much. We already try this and is not good for gameplay. That why we have a mix in the main mod and not the WCP.

      I have a 5 years old pc with good components and I have not issues. Sorry but I must say “no” this time. Wikinger mod always aim for high standard parameters.

      My advice is, (if you have a low end pc):

      1. Dont play vs Expert AI
      2. Avoid 4v4 or 3v3
      3. Play “only” vanilla maps or small maps
      4. Use our low zoom camera

      Regards. Olhausen

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Olhausen.
      • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Olhausen.
      • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Olhausen.
    • #9411

      I don’t have low end pc, it’s gtx 1660 ti and ryzen 5 2600x. a six core + 12 thread cpu, a 16gb ram.
      It’s just that the game is very badly optimized for ryzen.
      Welp, okay then, thanks for the reply

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