T-34-85 slight price increase to bring in line with other factions?

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    • #4281

      After playing as the soviets for a while I have noticed that the T-34-85 is very value for money with the ability to take out (most) other medium tanks in one shot, this is obviously because it has a large gun and a large HE filling.

      The only tank I can vaguely compare it to is the firefly which is a lot more pricey but doesn’t have the same damage and has a lot more penetration. The price for the T-34-85 currently is 580mp and 95 fuel (this is while I was playing Soviet artillery).

      I had a few games with a friend while he was using them in PvP and it seemed a bit too easy to spam them. Which I understand is what T-34s are all about however my friend was playing shock, not the tank doc to get the discount to make them cheaper.

      We found that the T-34-85 was able to out do just about everything it came up against which is understandable with the weapon it’s carrying but it just didn’t feel very balanced when the guys we were versing rage quit after we destroyed their Tiger and half a dozen Panzers with only losing 1 T-34-85.

      It is obvious that the counter to tanks like the T-34-85 is AT guns and Panzerschrek teams but it’s not obvious to everybody, sadly. While it’s on the field it easily denies the enemy their own medium tanks and it isn’t very hard to replace a lost T-34-85.

      So I was thinking raising it’s price slightly would help make losing one more problematic to the user making them be more careful with it and combining them with regular T-34s as a meat sheild to protect the more expensive T-34-85 when taking out enemy tanks, rather then skipping them all together in favour for nothing but T-34-85s.

      I can’t recommend what price you guys should go with because you do know better then I do but I had something in mind like 640mp and 105 fuel the SU-85 could then be the old T-34-85 price of 580mp 95 fuel. Like I was saying nothing massive but enough to make us think about being more careful with them rather then UUUURRRRRAAAAAAA-ing them. I feel it would also bring it more in line with other the other factions tanks which are similar like the Firefly and the Panzer IV L/70 (just some bad examples of tanks with similar roles).

      And I know what you may be thinking… I am not a butt hurt axis player, my favourite faction is actually the USF followed by the Commonwealth but I still play all the factions so I promise that there is no bias in this post!

      Thanks for reading anyway and I hope this was somewhat helpful as I only want to see the mod grow in popularity, please make sure you read everything I wrote though I know it’s a bit TL;DR 😛

      • This topic was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Andrew.
    • #4284

      Hi Andrew, welcome and thanks for your feedback.

      Unfortunately Soviets have not been reworked yet and the T34-85 does seem to be a bit too easy to get. Pricing probably wont change as these current prices were decided very carefully over a 6 month beta period, but we may look at reducing its availability in non tank doctrines especially.

    • #4285

      Thanks for the reply!

      I completely understand, I did some more matches and it seems the reason it stands out so much is the fact a lot of newer players don’t know that AT weapon teams are really potent against armour so instead they just throw tank after tank at the tanks with powerful guns. I will have to give out a few tips in future matches for the newer players if they have trouble.

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