Stuka Zu Fuss One Shots American Bases

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    • #4461

      The Stuka zu Fuss needs only a single 280 munition 6 rocket barrage to kill an entire american, english and presumably soviet or wehrmacht base. While realistic, this doesn’t strike me as very fun. Perhaps make it unable to fire inside base areas, like most similar abilities?

    • #4462

      Is a good point. We will find a solution for the next patch 😉

    • #4465

      I think that Stuka zu Fuss should need a tech tree unlock to be produced. Moreover cooldown could be a little longer. Now u can fastly tech to tier3, build it and with one sneaky salvo win the game. It’s not even the matter of pure firepower, mixsture of availability, low cost and firepower makes this thing totally unbalanced.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Morgoth.
    • #4471

      Maybe increased scatter area? Still devastating but the rockets simply don’t land as clustered, therefore would not all hit the base.

    • #4474

      Adding an unlock to the tech tree wouldn’t be the hardest thing to implement.

    • #4476

      Also – these sorts of high explosive multi barrelled launchers should go off with a HUGE explosion when hit and destroyed.  They should be as much of a menace to your own side as they are to the enemy.

    • #4481

      Increasing dispersion is not a good idea due to several reasons. First of all Stuka zu Fuss already combines innaccuracy with short range which makes further increase of dispersion difficult to achieve. Second fact is that it’s not concentration of a salvo what makes her deadly. American “circus” is so tightly packed that even one rocket will completely obliterate buildings when the base got hit.  In fact ability to cover large area with fire makes Walking Stuka extremely dangerous to more “spreaded” bases of Wehrmacht and Soviets. Imho the most important thing to do is to delay introduction of Stuka into battlefield and increase cooldown of her abillity.  There are maps where u can completely wipe out someone’s base in less then 10 minutes, when both sides didn’t make any serious unlock in tech tree(especially when playing large team games). The last thing which could be done (im not very enthusiastic about it) is some minor reduction to damage dealed to base buildings(but only to base buildings).

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