Some ideas and suggestions

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    • #3616

      I;m not sure if this should be made as one topic, but i thought that it would be a little less messy then making several threads.  Don’t want to overtalk my points, so they may be filled with some simplifications.

      1My first point is about Pz IVs, Shermans, Schrecks and Bazookas.

      Generally speaking its a little bit unfair and unrealistic that Shermans are quite more resiliant than Pz 4 ( the point is about H mostly).  Shermans can withstand 2 hit from Pz 4 H or panzerschreck, usually the 3 hit is lethal, when 2 zook’s, or sherman hits are more then enough to kill a pz 4h( btw bazookas 60mm projectile had something about 75mm of penetration which should give 4’s 80mm frontal armor some chances to stay unpenetrated – however im aware of balancing issues). It’s important thing, ‘couse it means that one antitank squad is able to knock out Pz IV, but not a Sherman tank. Moreover its strange because Panzerschreck’s 88mm warhead was much more powerfull( I know that  in game they are still way more able to penetrate some serious armour) but i see no reason to make german medium  tanks more vulnerable to less effective  at weapon, then they american counterparts are to more powerfull ones. In fact i often need more schreck rounds to knock out a Stuart, than Pz IV with bazooka(Stuarts can take one panzerschreck hit, while one bazooka round kills a Luchs, Stuarts often take some module damage and don’t die with single salvo).

      I think that Pz IV H should be at least equall enemy of Sherman 76mm W, if balance needs it, then make the tank more expansive, or find some other way then nerfing it’s technical data beyond reasonable level.

      btw  To be honest i think that German Panzerjaeger troops could be even more expensive. ( Btw – its absolutely not a serious issue, It would be great if panzerschrecks had a little bit more range then bazookas(even if it would be a symbolic value it would be some step toward realism)

      2 A point about Soviet infantry. I honestly think that they should be cheaper then they are now. I mean core infantry units like Fusiliers should be at least cheaper to reinforce. Now SS Ostruppen are much more cost effective then soviet Sappers and Fusiliers (8 mp to 17 if i remember well) .  I think that soviet manpower potential should be reflected in their ability to quickly replace fallen soldiers with new ones.  Have some ideas about their equipment also, but i think thats a topic to another discussion.

      3 A point about Volksgrenadiers.  To be honest i don’t consider making Volksgrenadiers a core WH fighting unit a good idea, because they never were. Moreover in some aspects they were more affiliated to Waffen SS then to WH, however thats the Relic’s decision.   What i think is interesting about them is the fact that they were generally speaking very highly saturated with automatic weapons. VG division were generally weaker then regular Grenadier divisions, they often lack some equipment also, but they had plenty of submachine guns and assault rifles.  Now in game they are simply economic version of Grenadiers, but i think it would be more interesting if they were made a little bit different. For example changing MG34 to Stg44 would make them more realistic and distinctive as well. They will be some kind of not expensive medium/short range infantry.

      I also thinks that in Mechanized doctrine, the call-in version of VG should be replaced with some kind of Panzergrenadier squad, simply due to a realism issue.

      4 AT guns.  To be honest my opinion in this point is based on my experience with previouse versions( played only a few times since new patch was released). Generally speaking AT guns should have same firing range as tanks with similiar armament. They also should be a little more resiliant to frontal infantry fire). They could be a little bit cheaper also. I think that they should be more important factor in overall at, as they were in history.  That’s all


      5 Motorized howitzers, SPG’s etc – Imho all vehicles like Sherman 105, Brummbaer, or KV2 are firing way to fast. I don;t mean they rate of fire is to high, they simply should take more time to aim. Nowe they often shoot in part of a second to showing target.  They should be powerfull against infantry as they are, but it’s not good when they are behaving like some kind of speedshooting cowboy. It would be great if they for example need to have they target for 1-2 second in their  line of sight before shooting.

      Thanks, hope u find it interesting.

    • #3619

      Thanks for the feedback morgoth we will consider each point and respond accordingly 🙂

    • #3622

      Hi Morgoth:

      First thanks for the good post. Lets try to evaluate your points.

      Shermans 76m vs Panzer IV serires:

      Technically and historically speaking Sherman M4A3 76mm was a superior tank. Had better armor and better weapon stats. Right now in game Panzer IV APHE round is doing more damage than Sherman M4A3 AP round. The difference is on vehicle hitpoints. The team rework the hitpoints of all vehicles based on realistic mass to have a game reference. Basically, historically speaking any tank who receive a penetrated shot should die but this is a game after all and tanks survive this kind of things.

      You have a good point about Panzer IV ausf H. I will discuss this with my team.

      Bazookas vs Panzershrecks

      Basically Bazookas has less penetration in comparison with Panzershrecks but talking about warhead, bazooka was superior.

      Basically in mod the damage is is related to warhead. More explosive more damage. We maintain an historical proportion to measurete it. That why bazookas are more deadly when penetrate, but remember Shrecks can penetrate any vehicle in game and bazookas can not penetrate most of the heavy vehicles in the german side.

      Soviet Army:

      Yes you are totally right about this point. Sadly we are now working on Americans and SS factions but you have my word, soviets will have a big rework when my team will rework his tech trees.


      Another good point. Yes you are right, basically, about 3 years ago when I started Wikinger I use the Volksgrenadier as a core infantry for the Wehrmacht. Is far away about reality and I am sure “Meatshield” our historical advicer and Wikinger co-designer will be glad to change it when the times cames and we rework the Wehrmacht.

      AT guns:

      AT vs inf: infantry has a (+) bonus vs AT weapons.

      AT vs Tanks: tanks has a  (-) bonus vs AT weapons.

      My idea is player use the correct unit to attack specific weapons. Then an AT weapon can resist better the tanks attack, but not the infantry one.

      Again thanks a lot for the good post.

      Regards, Olhausen

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Olhausen.
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