Show tier requirements on the techs in tech tree

Home Forums General Discussion Suggestions Show tier requirements on the techs in tech tree

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    • #7981

      Basicly what title says. Sometimes I dont remember what I need for that specific tech to call in, like the 82nd engineers need platoon and company post unlocked but it should be on the tech description, and also the resource cost to use it.

      Edit: I realized that the resource cost is already there

    • #7988

      Its a good suggestion, however while the mod is still being built we decided to keep the tech tree descriptions as broad as possible. Then if things change we dont have to re-do artwork.

      Its something we could look at once all doctrines are complete

    • #7999

      Cool! I just write down all the stuff that comes in my mind and you can do whatever you want and whenever you want with it 🙂

    • #8877

      Good suggestion. Thanks, maybe once everything is done we might include it.  Don’t forget more detail is available once it is unlocked

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