Sean's Balance Report 05/20/2017

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    • #1611

      So here we go ! Whooop Whooop !,

      1st, US Airborne riflemen Section, Dieing to Quickly, Against MG And Rifle fire,

      2nd US Airborne Mechanic, Why do they not have any smoke Grenades ?, Infantry Airborne has it, so why they don’t ?

      3rd Machine guns Kill way to easy, and suppresses way to quickly,

      4th Mortars Should not supress, Due to them being an easy way of defending a point in VP,

      5th US Airborne Doctrine Should have M10’s to build not just as a call in it makes it almost impossible to counter German late Armor,

      6th Incendiary Mortar Barrage Should be for All Factions,

      7th Marauder Bombing run a bit too Cheap, its only 75 ammo Away from the normal bombing run, while it Drops over 5000Kg’s in bombs,

      8th Sniper Should not be able to enter a open top halftrack, it makes them able to fire on the move and air a pain in the ass to kill, and kills 8 Airborne troopers in the sky easy !,

      9th The UHU nightowl Should have a reduced range instead of the range it has now i can literally look into my enemies base while i am in my base,

      10th US Airborne Should get infantry Mortars instead of motorized,



      Enjoy <3

    • #1612

      Totally agree with number 3, 5, 7 and 9

    • #1661

      Hi Sean,

      thanks for the feedback, can you clarify if this is the 3.1.5 beta or the main release version?


      1/ Too quickly as compared to what?

      2/ Airborne engineers? Yes they could have a smoke grenade if there is room in their abilities grid

      3/ We have addressed this with moving the MG42 up a tier in the beta, need feedback on how that is working.

      4/ Realism beats vanilla in this case sorry

      5/Again this is not vanilla where all doctrines are basically the same and then Relic sprinkle a little bit of airborne “flavoring’ on top. Wikinger is not balanced for 1v1, Airborne has serious infantry and air power but could be better as a support doctrine in larger team games. Historically the Airborne did not have access to armor other than external units being “attached” to their command. This is what we are simulating with the call ins so the player has to be smart about his limited anti armor abilities.

      6/ We will look at adding all historical ordnance as we work through each faction

      7/ Will take a look at cost

      8/ Agree this should not be happening. Would need to know what version this was in.

      9/ Will take a look, 1v1 maps to 4v4 maps are always difficult to balance range wise.

      10/ Agreed, makes more sense.

      And lastly thanks for your little meme but do you honestly believe that troops only carried a bazooka into combat? The game engine does not allow us to show the animation of slinging secondary weapons but this is what the “auto-bazooka” is simulating. An example below of a bazooka infantryman from 5th infantry division as they advance towards Paris.

      Thanks again for your detailed report.

    • #1663

      this is all beta 😉

    • #2948

      I know that you wrote this some time ago and new patch was released, however i think that u made some interesting points about airborne doc, so i would like to join discussion.

      1 I disagree

      2 Sounds reasonable

      3 Strongly disagree, mgs are very well made imho(with exception of those mounted on tanks strongly lacking pinning down capabillities) they simply do their job

      4 strongly disagree one more time – pinning down by mortars is a necessity

      5 well, im not sure to be honest

      6 same situation

      7 100% agree, it should also costs some fuel  imho

      8 ure absolutelly right

      9 im not really convinced, it strongly depends on map

      10 ure totally right

      I would say that i personally feel Airborne command squad a little bit to powerfull. Its not about fire power, but they are simply to hard to pin down. Marauder bomber ability is also to powerfull, it;s mostly due to poor efficiency of AA systems.  They often run a bombardment totally ignoring strong aa fire, like ostwinds, 20 mils etc.  Ive lost some matches(generally speaking i was doing better than the opponent) played as Waffen  due to this ability, because it easily wiped out my forward base(than the “regular” one) even strongly supported with aa defence. It’s mostly an AA issue, however airborne doctrines abilities are extremely strong due to this imperfaction.

    • #2949

      I actually want to go over airborne today. I think that is a good doctrine for brutal early infantry pushes, but it need the paras AT unlocked fast. The idea is, in my opinion, use airborne to ambush (they have this ability, yes?) the supporting infantry of a German advance, then use 101st. at squad to murder armor. I prefer to use half tracks to get them to my drop points.

      the one complaint I WILL raise is that i wish there was better feedback on how close you need to be for the 82 airborne to use their zookas. I wish they worked like the panzefaust does. You press a button, it fires, goes on cooldown. Or if there was some range marker that you could activate.

      EDIT: Wait, has this all been addressed already?



      • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Death_Kitty.
    • #2951

      haha Yeah Kitty Pretty much 😛


    • #2958

      Hi Morgoth,


      Marauder is being balanced in the next patch, you can check the latest changelog 3.1.5b for details.

      High altitude bombers like the Marauder and Arado will not be able to be shot down by your AA  for 2 reasons:

      1/ Historically lower calibre AA like 20 & 37mm were not able to effectively engage high altitude bombers.

      2/ These units are not physical models in game as unfortunately the tools do not allow us to add them.

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