Regarding Maxim pricing and effectiveness

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    • #2717

      It is currently inferiour to the Dushkya in every way, there is no incentive to ever build it.

      Perhaps lower their price or raise that of the Dushkya. Historically, the only reason any maxims would still be used towards the end of the war was cost, because they were inferior to other weaponry in the arsenal, both the DShK and the SG-43

      • This topic was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Nyvre.
    • #2724

      DShK only had a 50 round belt while the Maxim had 250. So I agree it is inferior overall, except for rpm due to the Dushka having to constantly reload.


      HMG’s still need work but we have to prioritize so many things at the moment.

    • #2799

      I think Nyvre have a good point here. I play a lot with ruskies and I never build a maxim XD.

      Lets me see what I could do.

      EDITED OLHAUSEN: I do the follow changes:

      a. Increased generally the ammo prices of the HMGs

      b. Price in ammo will depend on performance

      1. HMG .50 cal: 50 ammo
      2. HMG Vickers: 50 ammo
      3. HMG 34: 50 ammo
      4. HMG 42: 60 ammo and battlephase 1
      5. HMG DSHK 1938 .50 cal: 50 ammo
      6. HMG Maxim 1910: 40 ammo

      c. Also I reduced the accuracy of Maxim 1910 in all distance  30%. This particular weapon should not have good accuracy, was really bad in this particular point.


      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Olhausen.
    • #2846

      Would it be worth moving the DHSK to T2 like we have with the MG42.

    • #2853

      Both the DSHK and the maxim overperform in this build due to fast setup times and high damage output. I find myself building as many as I can get my hands on and overruning any other unit or MG in the game.

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