Ordos Luftwaffe Balance Program

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    • #6743

      First of all:

      I don’t want to cripple this doctrine just because everytime I play against it (and the opponent isn’t a total donkey) I loose.

      You may wait with those changes after you got feedback concerning the new supply system and its effects on balance.

      Now to my balance changes:

        <li style=”text-align: center;”>Main Problem is that this doctrine is good at everthing. It got terrific Inf (maybe the best in Wikinger, even its AT Inf is a special one, yes and also the Pios are good), it has nice support weapons, it has really good and annoying support abilities, it even has access to Panthers and is highly mobile.

      1. In fact loosing the elite infantry isn’t in any case a problem ( except the fact you’re already on retreat ). Killing these units is a pain, you need everything you have ( especially against both of them ) and even if you wiped them, most of the time you need to retreat your units too as they are worn down and need to refresh. NO time for using your “advantage” by killing the elite Inf. The Luftwaffe player just gets a new squad after loosing it ( which is the exception ), vet is gained fast so even this isn’t a problem.       Wikinger needs to get rid of this “I lost my elite Inf?! Who cares, just call it in again and again and again.” There needs to be some kind of temporal restriction. Like a coolddown after loosing them.
      2. Get rid of Luftwaffe Mortars. Wikinger is a feast for artillery and mortar units. Or restrict them, or make them more expensive etc.
      3. Limit the Panther to only one


      Elite Infantry is still a point that needs to be looked at. No matter which doctrine or faction.

      The thing is in my opinion they should be a complement to the normal units and not like it is now a replacement once you’ve unlocked them.

      • This topic was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Ordo.
    • #6754

      Great feedback Ordo, I really like the idea of the longer cooldowns and the constant calling in is something that we are discussing internally too, elites should be rare and special not disposable conscripts!

    • #6763

      I like these ideas, especially removing the mortars. leig is enough. Also I would like to draw attention to gebirgsjager, and hows powerful they are.

      • #6765

        To be honest… I totally forgot about the Gebirgsjäger and the leIG 18. But that just encourages me in my points.

        • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Ordo.
    • #6764

      Is a nice feedback for sure. About Panther, is storicaly correct in Luftwaffe, and if we are about to mantain it in there we need to balance.

      As a first step, I will add fuel cost to the call ins. In addition we could do special prices for armor doctrines. Main problem is: in Luftwaffe, this vehicle only cost MP, and this resource is not difficult to get.

      Another idea for a near future could be to limit the special units to a number. As an example “x” times fallschirmjager regiment 6, or Ranger infiltration, or Shocktroops etc. The same with the powerful call ins.


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