OKW gameplay improvment idea

Home Forums Technical Support Post your technical problems here OKW gameplay improvment idea

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    • #4178


      for me the bigest OKW problem is when there are more then 1 OKW in one mach on small map.
      The SwS truck get almost every time stuck but thats not the problem its what they cause, since they are stuck there for most time the inf unints can pass and thats a problem especially at the start of the game. I experienced that my self when we started a match and what happed my 2 squads got stuck there so only unit at the field was the starting unit so you can imagine i had no chance at the first few minutes and that was painful.
      In my opinion it would be better if the inf units would spawn as in vanila game.



    • #4183

      Yes this is something we are very aware of, the more SS players the worse it is, we will probably look to add a delay in between each truck rather than all three at once.

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