Next Army to be modded

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  • This topic has 17 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Aydin.
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    • #5930

      Hi Wikingers, our team is working right now on last American faction. We planed to do next the British Commonwealth but I am a bit curious about what community think about it.

      Please, feel free to leave here your oppinions and complement your answer if possible.

      What you prefer next and why ?:

      1. British Commonwealth
      2. Wehrmacht
      3. Soviet Army


    • #5931
      Unnamed Boy

      well, i prefer new armies like french or japan, something like that but it sounds legit. but i want soviet army… it has so many tanks and so many soldiers that i want to know and i want to play… thanks…

    • #5932

      Personally i will choose Soviet~ 🙂

    • #5933

      I feel the priority should be on the weakest factions first. Of course everyone likes playing what is strong right now but what is strong right now actually needs a rework the least badly, unless it is overpowered as all hell.

    • #5934

      I would prefer Wehrmacht or the Soviets because i am broke and don’t have any DLC’s , feels bad man


    • #5935

      Actually the idea to go for a vanilla faction is not that stupid at all and a better way than the Brits in my opinion, if we count the new players in that came from the “free version” and probably don’t own the DLC’s.

      My heart says Wehrmacht, but I think a allied rework would be better. (aka red army)


      • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Ordo.
    • #5937

      I stand by brits, because their “docs” are completely in accurate, but i cant deny the boons of reworking the vanilla factions first.

      However, i do believe some of the earlier docs could use a few updates before we really move onto the next ones. (armor)

    • #5938

      It should be either Brits or WH, because Soviets are good enough as they are right now.

      I agree with Kitty though. After US arty there should be 1 patch solely made to balance already 2 existing factions (USF and OKW)

    • #5940

      [quote quote=5938]It should be either Brits or WH, because Soviets are good enough as they are right now. I agree with Kitty though. After US arty there should be 1 patch solely made to balance already 2 existing factions (USF and OKW)[/quote]

      “After US arty there should be 1 patch solely made to balance already 2 existing factions” – already planned.

      “It should be either Brits or WH, because Soviets are good enough as they are right now.”

      If Wehr = two full Axis armies with one allies army fully modded to compete aided by UK (poor) and USSR (viable).  Most doctrines planned and can be modded fairly quickly.

      If Soviet = one Axis fully modded, one axis unmodded but viable.  Two fully modded allies armies with one poor UK faction to go with.  Soviets need all their doctrines to be designed still as these have been intended to go last due to being the most powerful of the Allied factions to date.  Expect no development for a while!

      If British = one axis modded, one unmodded, two modded allies armies that can hold their own vs axis + one powerful unmodded allies faction to support.
      All doctrines planned and ready to go, development can start almost immediately.


    • #5941

      Brits it is then. That way all factions are at least viable.

    • #5946

      My vote: brits

      Of course I would love to see wehr and soviel first because of the majority of potential players have it, but as the British are so bad their demand for modding overweights.

    • #5970
      1. Soviet
      2. British
      3. Wehrmacht

      For me there are 3 different ‘families’ of factions. The Soviets (standing alone), the Germans and the West-Allies. Of course there is a big difference between the British and American faction, for me more than between OKW and Wehrmacht, but I believe that with new tech trees for the Soviets the mod would have a larger spectrum for the players. The modders started with a focus on the West theatre of the war, and I would prefer a slewing to the east now. Otherwise it would take possibly a year for new Soviet tech trees, for all Soviet-players a long time…

    • #5971

      Why not rotate between Soviet and British? Same as OKW and Americans last time

      • #5972

        because then 2 thinks happen:

        -the poor-quality British get reworked slower, in favor of the non-reworked soviets, who are arguable the 2nd or even most powerful faction at the moment.

        – you would have 2 allied faction being reworked at once, which makes testing boring, b/c someone always has to play the “old” okw, or non finished wher. Also makes seeing imbalance harder: i.e. you cant test sovs and brits in the same game, b/c one might hide the other weakness/strength

      • #5973

        When the modders start with Brits, the problem will be the same for BETA tester. A rotation between Brits and Soviets could enable the new scenario West-Allies vs Soviets (for the modders who are bored always playin OKW). Nevertheless it is necessary that OKW will be tested vs the reworked faction…

      • #5974

        Well that still does not refute the issue that brits need the rework far more than the soviets. wher and sovs are very competent to play as of right now,  while brits are not. plus a sovs vs west scenario, while fun is not something this mod has in its vision/ not something that needs to be balanced for. You can play sovs vs west allies when brits get reworked.

    • #6090


    • #6095

      Whomever is weakest, IMO. As a player I’d love to see the Wehr changed but balance is paramount.

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