Lets talk about AT guns

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    • #7618

      Before I start, I just want to say, this is just a suggestion, not a balance thread. So this is not something I at least consider pressing, but I feel like it would make the game much better and realistic. And I know wikinger people love realism… This is just some stuff I would like to see one day maybe. After all the doctrines are done, maybe sooner if the devs feel like it.

      Generally I feel as if AT guns have not been as useful of late as they could be, so I thought I could suggest some additions to AT guns for all factions, to improve their viability and immersion.

      • Adding a hull down mode for AT guns. One of the issues with AT guns is the recent nerf to the survive-ability of their crews. While this nerf was warranted, it does make AT guns really weak. I think it would be a good idea to allow crews to build up some cover around their gun with fallen logs, debris, sandbags, which would take some time, but allow the crew to gain survive-ability vs longer range infantry fire and mortar fire.
      • Allowing halftracks to “spawn” AT guns. Right now, AT guns are a bit immobile. Since the tools don’t allow us to have towed guns, could there be an upgrade that allows a half track to spawn an AT gun (57mm for UK and US, 76mm for Soviets, PAK-43 for germans), in the same manner as the US arty 88mm pak. The upgrade would be locked to the level and cost of the AT gun spawned, and it would come with only 1 use. If you could go back to base and “get” the upgrade again, that would be also something nice.
    • #7637

      I like your idea!

      A built at gun could spawn in a truck, just like iron will infantry.

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Lorarius.
    • #8058

      I like both ideas!

    • #8060

      Cool idea!

      Would it be possible to make a halftrack model with a towed gun on it and when you use the “spawn AT gun” ability on the HT, the towed gun on the model would disappear, or the model of the HT would change to the normal version, and of course an AT gun would be spawned next to the HT?

      Also hull down is great idea, I always struggle to position the guns in a way that they are in cover, so this would make this easier and less frustrating.

    • #8134

      We initially had the pak40 in a hull down position/emplacement for the Iron Will Doc.  Since it was “protected”, it was limited in its firing arc and could not be rotated.  Everyone hated this, so it was removed.  You want it back?  Or you want it done differently?

      There is no way to have a visual “towed AT gun”, but it’s definitely possible to fake this.


    • #8165

      Make hull down ability an extra, optional ability, so no need to hate it. You could use it as right now with all the pros and cons, or you could use hull down also with all the pros and cons. Also make “hull up” take some time so it could be flanked. If you dont want to get flanked dont use hull down, easy as it is 🙂

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