Waffen SS AI (but believe others too) "stuck"

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    • #8094

      I’ve noticed that the Waffen SS (and I believe other AIs) tend to get stuck defending random points on maps.

      I’ve included a set of screenshots as an example, I find it happens rather often. https://imgur.com/a/xXpGVd2

      In this case, the AI basically did nothing and reinforced a point till the battle came to it.

      In other cases, I find it holds back till min 5-7 or so (~half track phase) and then does MASSIVE pushes across the front. This is worse on community maps, but happens in default ones as well.

      EDIT: not sure if this is a “bug” or “AI” thread

      • This topic was modified 6 years ago by Aydin.
      • This topic was modified 6 years ago by Aydin.
      • This topic was modified 6 years ago by Aydin.
      • This topic was modified 6 years ago by Aydin.
    • #8118

      Wehrmacht AI is actually worse (both overall, and in this specific bug). Here is an imgur link showing this. https://imgur.com/a/kJ5vyGM

      Overall, I’ve found most AIs to be slow caping (and consequently attacking). However, the Soviet AI in particular is leagues ahead of the German AI. It does eventually attack, and around early middle game onwards it does far better.

    • #8119

      Its probably because of the map. Try vanilla maps or high rated community maps. (Btw by the look of that map I can say that is low quality that you screenshotted)

    • #8122

      Is there a list of Wikinger approved maps? My rule has been to do only 4+ star steam rated maps.

      I was playing a few different ones, which do you feel is the low quality one?

      Bit off topic, but also noticed that some maps have guns on the ground you can pick up. Both infantry weapons (e.g. lmg42) and equipment (e.g. Vickers). Do guns that spawn with the map have worse stats than normal Wiking ones? I’ve definitely noticed it with equipment, but not sure about the infantry weapons.


    • #8123

      There is no map list like that, but vanilla maps are fine for sure, try it and see if AI is still bad for you or not.

      I meant low quality that you posted on imgur, it just feels not detailed enough so I guess it was made by an inexperienced mapper. Maps have some relation with AI pathfinding, that I know nothing about it, but I guess if its made poorly in the map then the mod AI wont work.

      Those maps that have weapons on it are absolutely nogo, because those weapons have vanilla stats and also I always find those maps poorly made, and I guess AI pathfinding also poorly implemented on these kind of maps.

      disclaimer: I know nothing about modding and map making and these stuff, so I am not howling down these creators I am just telling my experience with these kind of maps and wikinger mod

      PS.: play PVP its the most fun 🙂

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 12 months ago by TankDoc_1985.
    • #8133

      One thing I’ve noticed about “AI issues” is that the common thread between a lot of problems is the Conquest Mode. When playing in VP or Annihilation mode, I haven’t seen these AI problems…especially on this map in particular.

      My guess is that in the Conquest Mode, the AI gets confused as every point is a Victory Point…sorta.

      Obviously the map plays a big role in AI path finding and behavior, but I recommend not playing against AI in Conquest Mode.  Try this map again in the other modes I recommended and see if you encounter the same problem.

      Sorry that you’re having this problem.  I know that PVP is not for everyone and get frustrated when AI is dumber than expected.  I appreciate the report and hope that a solution can be found.

    • #8150

      Hah, yeah we generally do a hybrid PVP model. Basically have 3 friends (occasionally a 4th joins), so we need AI to balance it out. Even if we have 2v2 the skill level difference means we need it.

      I’ve tried checking the games list, but rarely do we find a ready to join MP game.

      , interesting on your point for conquest. I originally thought it would be better than VP, as it incentives the AI to suicide rush points less. My main other complaint with the AI, even on default maps (e.g. Gilroy’s Harbor) is that when confronted with a linear front, it will just charge. On larger maps it can slip through, but on smaller ones it either crushes you with numbers or burns its resources against defensive positions.

    • #8166

      “I’ve tried checking the games list, but rarely do we find a ready to join MP game.”

      Join the Wikinger discord channel, matches are organized there, also you can make friends on discord and be steam friends so you can invite each other for playing!


    • #9329


      duplicated report.  ^ marked as resolved and then linked here to continue tracking.

    • #10394

      OKW AI now fixed in version 3.3.7

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