CheatCommand Mod that is compatible with Wikinger?

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    • #6629

      So.. we all know there is this popular Gamemode Mods, Called CheatCommand mods to just try out things n having fun.

      But due to the requirement of custom gamemode on the Wikinger Tuning pack, we can’t use the cheat command mods, I was wondering if the Wikinger Team can make a similar cheat command mods that is compatible with Wikinger?

    • #6634

      Hey Jaga,

      we use it for our internal testing and remove it when the version switches to be a public one.

      For what would you like to have Wikinger with cheats? Just for testing purposes or also for comp stompt and pvp matches?

    • #6668

      For testing purpose, and also me and my friends like playing around with it, I’m sure there’s other people that love just playing around with the games together. you know, sometime we just wanna play around n not play serious. but definitely not for pvp matches thou, I’m a “custom game” player.

    • #6675

      Hi “Jaga” what do you want it is possible but it is not in our list of priorities. Why ? Because of the termendous work behind the task.

      For our internal use, we have a Cheat Button who give us all resources necesaries for testing purpouses. I hope this could aswer your question.

      Regards, Olhausen

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Olhausen.
    • #12429


      Jaga has a very good idea.

      1. We do not all want to have an ultra realistic game
      2. We do not all want to wait for a long time to get resources
      3. The 2 x resources 500 Pop victory conditions is nice but the crash is permanent with 500 (dump crash issue). Cheat mode would be perfect (especially if heroic units are limited) but a normal 3 x (or 5x) resources with 250 Pop should be awesome (enough resources to avoid to wait for a long time). HZ victory conditions are a problem even with a very good PC (crash dump).
      4. My request is not for play against humans of course. I just want to crush AI units easily in a short period of time so a cheat mode or a non standard victory conditions set for quick play should be perfect. The dump issue implies to limit the cap.

      The mod is according to me, by far, the best mod for the game.

      But I don’t care about realism, I prefer arcade. This is why I would also like to have a cheat mode.

      My time is quite limited for games so I am using Starcraft 2 in coop mode (limited to 30 minutes per session) or World of Tank Blitz (8 minutes per session). Your mod with a limited duration could be awesome for casual players just wanting to “have fun”.

      However due to those permanent crashes, I am now using SS Angrif mod with VP 2 x resources 300 cap. Very funny in max 2 hours a game is over with multiple units, a real battle tank (one AI with me vs 2 AI units). In your mod this is impossible with so few resources (even 2 x ressources). This is sad because as I said this mod offers the best graphism so far with a very good alternative to standard commanders.

      Thx for reading this post and for telling me is new victory conditions settings are possible.

      Best Regards

      • #12471

        First thing you need to do is in your steam library right click on Coh2…go to properties.

        Inside General Tab, find “Set Launch Options…”

        Type   -dev  in this box

        When you load the game go into the console by holding Ctrl+Shift+~

        Use these commands to adjust Manpower, munitions, fuel, command pts.  You must type them in exactly like I have below…or just copy/paste these individually into the console:

        Player_SetResource(Game_GetLocalPlayer(),RT_Fuel, 9999)

        Player_SetResource(Game_GetLocalPlayer(),RT_Manpower, 9999)

        Player_SetResource(Game_GetLocalPlayer(),RT_Munition, 9999)

        Player_SetResource(Game_GetLocalPlayer(), RT_Command, 32)

        Player_SetPopCapOverride(Game_GetLocalPlayer(), 1000)



        Obviously, you can choose to use whatever numbers you want instead of “9999”.

        Please let us know if this worked for you!

        Good luck


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