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03/08/2020 at 9:51 pm #13074
Airborne Doctrine Overhaul:
- M4a3e2 Sherman Jumbo 75mm added. Replaces the two M3 half tracks that Easy Co. 506th uses to arrive on the battlefield. (Cost is 1500 MP and requires Heavy Ordnance Depot(tier 4) )
- 501st Intel squad now has both “Hold Fire” and “Hold Position” abilities
- Cost increased from 120 mp to 180mp
- Now has Ol’ Crock’s mortar barrage ability
- Capped at 1 squad
- Pathfinder(3 man squad):
- Loadout: x2 carbines, x1 1911
- No longer needs tech tree unlock. They are available as soon as Airborne Doctrine is selected.
- Pathfinders’ grenade has been removed. Smoke grenade added.
- Pathfinders now have AEA and hold fire.
- Pathfinders now build Airborne Forward HQ.(requires Platoon Company unlock)
- Added range indication before placing so player can see max range of weapon paradrops.
- Pathfinder capture rate is half of normal rate
- Pathfinder cost increased to 200Mp
- Pathfinder beacon is tech tree unlocked
- 82nd Airborne PiR squad replaces Riflemen. Does not require tech tree unlock.
- 6 man squad armed with M1 carbines and grenades.
- Same health as Riflemen.
- Only Upgrade is Medikit
- Can only paradrop on friendly(owned) territory until Pathfinder beacon is deployed.
- Once beacon is deployed, 82nd PiR can deploy anywhere on the battlefield.
- 82nd Airborne Elite AT squad(4 man squad):
- Armed with x2 M1 carbines, x1 Thompson, x1 bazooka, grenade, and sticky bomb
- Can be upgraded with another bazooka and medkit
- If upgraded with bazooka, they will use the auto bazooka ability for the second bazooka only.
- Can be paradropped just like the 82 PiR. Friendly territory if no beacon, etc.
- Unlocked at tier 3(1 tier less than 101st AT squad)
- Will have tech tree unlock
- Has “Target Tread” ability. Causes enemy vehicle to lose treads or wheels until fully repaired. (cost =30 mun)
- 17th Airborne PiR:
- x3 six man squads(basically the same as the old 82nd AB paradrop)
- Still follows the rules written above about where they can drop if beacon is deployed or not.
- Armed with M1 carbines with better accuracy and damage then 82nd PiR
- M1 garand upgrade removed, but still has auto bazooka and basically same stats as before.
- Once they are dropped they can call in a glider(which carries x2 Recoilless Rifle squads)
- Arrive on battlefield with Vet 1
- Can capture and revert strategic points ~25% faster
- 17th Airborne Glider Infantry squad
- Comes from landed glider that is called in by the 17th PiR
- 4 man squad. Loadout is: x1 Recoilless Rifle(with HEAT rounds as default), x3 Thompson smg, and grenades.
- Recoilless Rifle has longer range than bazooka(60m vs 40m), but much less penetration potential. Higher velocity rounds.
- Has the ability to change ammo types to use specific targeted firing ability for the recoilless rifle. (each has a 50 mun cost and a shared reload timer of 30s)
- Precision Shot: Guaranteed 1 of 4 criticals (range is 60m)
- Canister/Shrapnel shot: Decimates infantry at close range (range is 25m)
- White Phosphorous shot: (range is 70m) Good for anything, but is somewhat inaccurate.
- 82nd Airborne Medic (capped at 1):
- Removed upgrade.
- Specific squad can call-in a para-dropped Medic to the battlefield with same restrictions mention above in the context of beacons.(cost = 75 mp)
- Medic has same abilities as a common medic(medic supplies, retreat point), but is armed with M1 carbine.
- Common medic has been removed from Airborne Doc
- Removed upgrade.
- 101st Airborne:
- Still buildable (x6 man) squad from Platoon Command Post with max cap of 2.
- Loadout: x1 Thompson, x5 M1 Garand, grenade, smoke grenade, dynamite
- Upgrades:
- Medikit
- 2 weapon upgrade options to “specialize” your squad
- 1st option is “medium range”: x2 BAR. Cost = 110 mun
- 2nd option is “long range”: x1 m1919a6 lmg and Rifle Grenades(HE, smoke, and AT) cost = 90 mun
- 101 do not have access to AT weapons
- All AB airstrikes now require a special WC-25 Signal Officer to call in.
- WC-25 replaces recon tech tree unlock.
- Recon overflight and P-47 HMG strafe comes default with WC-25.
- P-47 bombing run’s accuracy has been improved. It will now drop bombs where you target them.
- Added NEW P-47 Napalm Strike. Napalm strike is similar to bombing run. One plane, directional targeting. Drops incendiary bombs on the target location which also behaves like a smoke screen denying line of sight for the duration of the flames.
- P-47 Rocket Strike “should” now target only medium and heavy armor. Will ignore infantry, light vehicles and emplacements
- Added NEW B-24 Liberator Carpet Bombing. Can only target enemy supply points. Bombs will neutralize the territory point. Carpet bombing is now a tech tree unlock taking the place of the “old” P-47 HMG strafe tech tree unlock
- Now has CP cost =2
- 82nd Engineers airdrop has been removed
- Added 82nd Engineers (cloned from common engineers) to replace common buildable engineers. Removed flamethrower upgrade. Have same carbines as engineers.
- Can be upgraded with x1 m97 Shotgun. Requires Platoon or Company Command Post activation
- All weapon teams(hmg and mortar) have paratrooper model now and can be reinforced by air from beacon.
- AB FHW will now only reinforce infantry by paradrops
- Removed ability to convert ambient building into FHQ from AB doc
- Removed Build-able Observation Post Medic Station from AB doc
- Removed Ambulance from AB doc
- Added “Gather Wounded” ability (like ambulances) to FHQ. Will spawn an 82nd PiR squad after collecting 6.
- Removed the ability to purchase Medikit upgrade at AB beacon
- Ol’ Crock Command squad:
- Reduced CP cost to 1CP
- Now has M3 105mm Pack Howitzer barrage (Cost =120 mun, 5 min cooldown)
- Reduced cost from 520MP to 480 MP
- Pack howitzer now has same range as LeiG
- 101st AT squad now limited to one
- 57mm can no longer be built from Platoon Command Post. It can only be paradropped from AB FHQ.
- Added an icon in build menu to indicate this change
- Added extra text to pathfinders to indicate they can build the FHQ
- Sherman 76 call-in tweak:
- Removed vet 1
- Replaced 50 cal gunner with commander
- 2nd tank enters the battlefield 2 min after the first one arrives
Infantry Doctrine:
- Repple Depple tweaked to not use Engineers as part of the ability
- Ranger Scout now has both “Hold Fire” and “Hold Position” abilities
- Riflemen AT Rifle-grenades tweak:
- Now takes 2 shots to kill Panzer II Luchs
- Now takes 2 shots to kill Puma
- 107mm Mortar Emplacement:
- Fixed range indication before placing so player can see max range of weapon abilities.
- Fixed range indication before placing so player can see max range of weapon abilities.
General Changes:
- M1919a6 weapon tweaks:
- Damage increased by ~25%
- Angle scatter reduced by ~50%
- All ammo and fuel supply drop abilities from vehicles must be on the battlefield before deploying resource
- Satchel Charges and Dynamite will squad wipe any squad in an ambient building.
- Fixed Sprint ability text to be 10s. The actual time was not matching what is written in the description.
- Typhoon Rocket Strikes will now only target medium and heavy armor.
CoC Doctrine:
- Jedburgh Partisan HQ now has same build requirements as Partisan Tent
- Commando Scout now has both “Hold Fire” and “Hold Position” abilities
- AVRE tweaks:
- Now has self repair ability
- AVRE area of effect increased to be on par with other explosions this size
- Added Hold Fire ability so that turret coax mg doesn’t possible interfere with where you want the turret pointed for spigot ability
RCA Doctrine:
- Changed Sexton Flare ability. Now, when Sexton uses the Flare ability, players can immediately call in arty from one of the batteries. Previously, the player had to wait to use an arty battery until flare ability was finished.
General changes:
- Pack howitzer now has same range as LeiG
- All ammo and fuel supply drop abilities from vehicles must be on the battlefield before deploying resource
- Satchel Charges will squad wipe any squad in an ambient building.
- Fixed Sprint ability text to be 10s. The actual time was not matching what is written in the description.
Wunderwaffe Doctrine:
- Korner’s King Tiger Smoke Launcher ability no longer injures infantry
- Walking Stuka tweaks:
- Rocket Barrage ability now takes 30s from start of firing until you can move the vehicle again. Usually means after firing, there is a time of ~10 s before you can move again.
- Reduced area of effect radius from 25m to 20m
- Reduced scatter by ~45%
- Increased accuracy a little
- Increased cost from 250 mun to 300 mun
- Increased recharge time from 120s to 360s
Luftwaffe Doctrine:
- Added NEW JU-87 Precision Stuka bombing run. Very similar to P-47 bombing run. Directional, targeted position.
- Removed all shared timers on Luft Airstrikes
- Added a shared timer to Luft precision Bombing and FW-190 Rocket Strike
- FW-190 Rocket strike will now target only medium and heavy armor
- Arado Supply break ability price reduced to 150 mun. Same as B-24 carpet bombing.
- Stuka HMG strafe cool down reduced to be same as P-47 HMG strafe. (300s –> 180s)
- Arado and FW-190 airstrikes exchange positions on the tech tree
- Ambulance now only needs to gather 5 wounded to produce Luft Fusiliers
- Luft reinforced barb wire can longer be vaulted.
- All ammo and fuel supply drop abilities from vehicles must be on the battlefield before deploying resource
- Panzer Pionere Halftrack wreck: Now when this entity is rebuilt/revived it will only have the halftrack, not included panzer pios.
- Satchel Charges will squad wipe any squad in an ambient building
- Fixed Sprint ability text to be 10s. The actual time was not matching what is written in the description.
- Wehr AI tweaked to have more variety in infantry and more medium armor
Defensive Doctrine:
- Splittering Grenade tweaks:
- Entire squad must be in green cover to throw the grenade.
- Festung Grenadiers must reach vet 3 to be able to throw them in any cover
- Removed all splittering grenades from Ostruppen call-in squads
- All Ostruppen call-in squads now have m24 stick grenades
- Flakturm weapon tweaks
- Horiz traverse increased along with accuracy
- Should be a more effective AA gun now
- Mortar Bunker cost reduced by almost 25%
- Mortar range increased from 90m to 150m
- All Bunkers cost and build times reduced by ~12%
- Removed free Bren LMG from Panzerjager Universal Carrier Call-ins
- Now can be upgraded with Bren LMG for 60 mun
- Festung Pioneers CP cost reduced from 2 CP to 1 CP
- Munitions Blitz CP cost increased from 2 CP to 3 CP
- All Bunkers personnel population cost decreased by 2
- Ostruppen call-in cooldown time reduced from 6 min to 4.5 min
- Elefant Hull Down ability now requires Vet 3 to activate
- Panzerturm (luchsturm) armor reduced by 50% and HP reduced by 20%
Tank Hunter Doctrine:
- Kubelwagen with Mg-42 Price change:
- 130 mp, 30 mun, 20 fuel changed to 130 mp, 70 mun, 25 fuel
- All ammo and fuel supply drop abilities from vehicles must be on the battlefield before deploying resource
- Satchel Charges will squad wipe any squad in an ambient building.
- Il-2 Rocket attacks now will target only medium and heavy tanks
- Removed “always on” target reticule from T70 and M3 recon vehicles
- Soviet Arty recon squad now has both “Hold Fire” and “Hold Position” abilities
Artillery Doctrine:
- Removed de-crew ability from Zis6 Trucks ( these were missed from last patch)
- All ammo and fuel supply drop abilities from vehicles must be on the battlefield before deploying resource
- Satchel Charges will squad wipe any squad in an ambient building.
- Fixed Sprint ability text to be 10s. The actual time was not matching what is written in the description.
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