Panzergrenadier Division – Patch 3.3.1 now live on steam!

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    • #7708

      Hi Wikinger, we are working hard in the next Wehrmacht doctrine, replacing the old “Mechanized”. Like always we are going to implement balance elements and bug fixes as well.

      Panzergrenadier Division



      1. Pz IV Ausf h unlock
      2. Standardized Production – price reduction & speed up construction. Rüstungsstab (Armament Staff) Pzkpfw IV J replaces IV H.
      3. Brummbar unlock
      4. Tiger Ace: dispatch famous Johannes (Hans) Bolter– 139 Kills (possibly 144) in Tigers– Knight’s Cross 4/16/44, Oak Leaves 9/10/44.
      5. Pionier Assault Company: call in Panzer Pionere in Halftrack & Flamm Halftrack
      6. Recovery Vehicle: Unlock KV-1 recovery vehicle
      7. Veteran Crews: allow access to veteran panzer crews (vet 1) with panzer commanders.
      8. PzGr 40 APCR unlock: allow access to tungsten rounds free (big reload times) for PzIV.
      9. Hasso Von Manteuffel General Der Panzertruppen in halftrack – Basic abilities: Ju-87 smoke and Ju-87 recon
      10. Nahverteidigungswaffe unlock: free access to smoke and mine launchers upgrade for Panzer Units.
      11. Light vehicles tactics: light vehicles can capture and secure territories
      12. Motorised Aufklarungs: Dispatch Puma & Scout car
      13. Combined arms: Panzer + halftrack mounted Panzergrenadiers get bonus together.
      14. Panzergrenadiers gepanzert: Panzer Grenadiers will initially come in opel blitz by default and will be replaced with Sdkfz 251-1.
      15. Veteran GD Panzer Grenadier dispatch.
      16. Panzer General Support: allow access to special abilities for Hasso Von Manteuffel. Fuel dispatch, Stuka dive bombing and Nebelwerfer 150mm support.



      • Removed Volksgrenadiers from Mechanized doc
      • Moved Panzer fusiliers to Mechanized doc
      • Added Tank commander upgrade to Panzer IV Ausf F1
      • Restrict Hull down ability to defensive doc vehicles only
      • Increased the build time of concrete bunker by 15%
      • Increased the reload time of bundle gren from 20 to 45 secs

      SS German Elite troops:

      • Adjusted the artillery ability passive range of Su-76 captured. Now get the proper range like the Zis3 weapon barrage in soviet faction.
      • Increased the build time of concrete bunker by 15%
      • Increased the reload time of bundle gren from 20 to 45 secs
      • Luftwaffe ground forces:

      a. Only the off map units will cames now with veterancy bonus

      b. Increase the bonus get from elite training

      c. Luftwaffe officer squad: Added an extra man after vet 1/ added panzerwurfmine ability/increased the max level of the squad from 3 to 4 and all his bonus/change the combat gear, now the officer get an Mp40 and the guards gets the Fg42

      • Reduced the call in price of Luftwaffe Panther Ausf G from 1100 to 1000 Mp
      • Blendkorper 2H: Added criticals on pen and deflection:

      a. Crew blind 7 sec

      b. Crew shock 7 sec


      • Increased the reload time of bundle gren from 20 to 45 secs

      American Forces:

      • Increased the price of Ranger Assault Grenades from 25 to 45 ammo.


      • Tech up costs:

      Tech up 1: AEF/British/Wehr/SS/Soviets

      Fuel: 50

      MP: 240

      Time (seconds): 60

      Tech up 2: AEF/British/Wehr/SS/Soviets

      Fuel: 60

      MP: 265

      Time (seconds): 75

      Tech up 3: AEF/British/Wehr/SS

      Fuel: 90

      MP: 315

      Time (seconds): 95

      Tech up 3: Soviets (10% less than others. Worst equipment).

      Fuel: 80

      MP: 285

      Time (seconds): 85

      Tech up 4: British/Wehr/SS/Soviets

      Fuel: 120

      MP: 375

      Time (seconds): 180

      Tech up 4: AEF (10% less than others. Worst equipment).

      Fuel: 110

      MP: 340

      Time (seconds): 160

      • Increased the accuracy for timed HE rounds vs infantry in all factions by 25%
      • Increased the passive range of IN GAME artillery. Some maps are really big and some static artillery can not reach certain areas. Previous value was 1000 meters, the new one 2000 meters.
      • Like allies, Germans are going to have a new recovery vehicle. To prevent the abuse of recover Ace units or unique ones like Abrams, this particular vehicles after recover will lose all his special abilities and add ons.
      • Infantry flamethrowers balance: these weapons were a bit too OP then using the feedback of the community we tried in this patch to balance them in many ways:

      a. Reduced the damage in open terrain

      b. Reduce the flamethrower time activated by one second

      c. Reduced the area effect radius from 4 to 2 meters

      d. Reduced the damage and the damage over time.

      e. Reduced the friendly damage

      f. Reduced damage vs vehicles (criticals stay)

      g. Change the prices: Before: 60 ammo Now: 50 ammo – 15 fuel. To avoid exploid specially in the early game.

      • Grenades tweaks: . Mk2/Mills bomb/M39/Rg42 now have a bit faster detonation time . M24/Rg33 have more range but slow detonation time.

      AI tweaks:

      • Wehrmacht Flammenwerfer Halftrack delayed till after armor support building
      • British Comet delayed by a few minutes
      • AEF company command post and battalion command post have 1.5x fuel cost increase to research  upgrade.  This should delay Shermans from arriving too quickly.


      • This topic was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Olhausen.
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      • This topic was modified 6 years ago by Olhausen.
      • This topic was modified 6 years ago by MeatShieldNZ.
      • This topic was modified 6 years ago by MeatShieldNZ.
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