Balance Ammo Dump

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    • #7845

      The mark of loving a faction is knowing when to nerf it. *wipes tear from eye*

      Lets go at US and CW, ay boys?

      DISCLAIMER: I understand that your plan is to get all the docs out before going back to the old ones. A balance/rework patch somewhere in there would be great for the game, IMHO, but if you feel differently, I defer to you, you guys are the devs. This is just another dump of ideas to go back to whenever you find the time/will. So no pressure. work at your own pace.

      DISCLAIMER 2: This is an under-construction topic. What I intend to do is keep adding to this post until a time comes to discuss everything in it. Over at the Elite mod for Dawn of War 2, the veteran players and devs did a “balance stream” where they discussed changes actively in real time. Maybe wikinger could do something similar?

      1.) US Armor.

      • PHOS: As of right now, phos is an ability that not only stuns tanks, wipes out infantry squads left and right, but enters the game FAR TOO SOON and gives US armor a midgame they really should not have.
        • From me (DK): move the unlock to the m20 ordinance upgrade, and increase the CP cost to 3, to force to unlock to come later. Instead make other things cheaper (*cough Pershing cough*)
        • From Strumtruppen: Have the arty fire from a smaller battery so that the shells don’t all land at the same time, thus giving players time to retreat. and maybe lower the damage a bit.
      • PERSHING: As of right now, the pershing is completely overshadowed by the jackson and easy 8 combo.
        • Switch the position and CP cost of veteran rifles with HVSS suspension. That way it costs 4 to unlock E8 instead of just 2, thus delaying jacksons and phos which make a potent combo.
        • Find some way to make the pershing and the pershing ace more enticing. Make it more than a Jackson with better armor that costs about double.



    • #7849

      Hey guys, it’s another feature can be considered later if you the devs too bush for the new doctrines.

      The story is:
      1/ I think the throwing range of regular grenade should be reduced to 2/3 or 3/4 of the present, right now, it’s nearly equal to the most effective range of sub-machine guns (MP40, Thompson, PPsH…), make it’s harder to the Assault team to approach, the thing usually happen when the defensive unit (often a fire team with LMG) throw a grenade and retreat, make the assautl troops risk themselves but getting spinned and being forced to retreat.
      2/ The effective of SMG at the present is longer than nade already, but not long enough, cause the unit that is taken fire from the SMG team are still able to get closer to throw a grenade before taken damage from the SMGs, cause the infantry in Wikinger is not killed instantly like in Spearhead
      3/ Historically and realistically speaking, a soldier can throw a grenade about 25–30 meters, and most effective range of an WW2 sub-manchine gun is between 100m and 120m meters (many sources in internet), however, it’s a game, so to reduce the throwing range may be give more chances for assault and avoid unnecessary grenade spamming
      The gun range should be longer than human’s hand-throwing

      After a short converstion with Death-Kitty, We have some ideas to sum up:
      – To give a slightly buff for SMG in range and damage
      – To reduce a bit range of regular grenade.
      – Do both of them.

      If I miss something, add them, Death-Kitty.

    • #7852

      I’m not particularly excited about the idea of reducing grenade range, and strongly against increasing range of smg, which is currently ridiculously overextended in comparison to rifle range.  If smgies would get increased range than rifles should get similar buff too, it can make a snowball effect (what about hmg than, and what about at guns with range shorter than rifles’hmgs etc).  Moreover,  ww2 era smg were able to shoot effectively in ranges about 100m, but not with fully automatic fire, while in game mechanics makes no difference. Models wont switch fire to short burst/ “semi” automatic.  In the other hand  short range combat was performed at distances similar to 50m (which is at range affected by hand grenades) .  Personally i feel squads equipped with smg;s way overperforming at medium/long ranges, especially guys with thompsons which should be less effective (with fully automatic fire ) than m3.

      Maybe a short reduction of grenade range (15-20% ) would be a good move. Personally i dont feel the need, but its my private preference.    What about reduction of grenade range for inexperienced units, and giving them buff to current values at level 3 for example ?

    • #7859

      Weapon range is a tricky one with this game engine, especially with squads that have a mixture of weapons. The squad will only advance to engage at max range while the shorter range weapons are not used…


      Morgoth has a point with the snowball effect, it would have to be done very carefully.

    • #7860

      I like morgoths idea. A well thought out solution. especially giving nade range back at a later vet.

    • #7866

      Hi guys, thanks a lot for the feedbacks, I am sorry about the late answer, I was really busy around the new Wehrmacht doc.

      About the ideas:

      a. Yes Death Kitty I am agree of do the Pershing ace more interesting. For that we need to add him some extra ability. We already have the Weak point HVAP shot but I have my open mind about one more ability at least. Then feel free to post any idea. And btw, sadly I have no time to do changes in the tech tree of the finished doctrines (for now) When we finish all then we could sit together and see what we will do with some of them.

      b. Phosphorus M20 off map: I balance more this thing. Here are the changes: (1). Reduced the salvo from 10 to 8 — (2). Increase the dispersion area from 20 to 35 meters radious — (3). Increase the delay between shells from 0.25 sec to 2 sec max and 1 sec min (random option). Also I increased the price and recharge times. I am sure now will be much better.

      c. About SMGs: well they are quite powerful right now. I think we need to calibrate more the weapons in general. The only problem with that is “take tons of time if we want to do it correctly” My idea is to have more realistic magazines and his reload times. Most of the actual values are based on gameplay things to show the player the differences between the different guns. Personally I prefer to do it more realistic but like I said maybe at the end of the year when all doctrines will be finish or about to be finish.

      d. Grenade range: Wikinger mod is a 4 year mod and during this time I had a lot of type of ranges for the grenades. I tried loger ones and shorter ones. Personally I am happy with the actual state. I prefer to not move again in the same task. Basically there is nothing broken. If something is working fine then better to dont touch it.

      Thanks again guys. Regards, Olhausen

    • #7922

      Well, if WP M20 off map is OP than what is this?

      I think its the Manteufel call in, but if I am not mistaken, there is also the stuka zu fuss that has this same scorched earth salvo, that can make a game instantly gg wp bb.

      So wp offmap is not op I think, also because it is unlocked pretty late, because priority for armored should be the sherman price and build reduction, that is 4 CP, after that 76mm for 1 CP, and E8 for 1 cp and jackson for 2 cp, that is already 8 cp.

      Btw,  what gives the M-20 Ordnance Upgrade unlock, it says extra ability for the m20 command wehicle, but I dont see any new abilites.

    • #7925

      It’s the Stuka zu fuss incendiary salvo.

      300 Muni to shoot

      Manteuffel’s call ins are Stuka airstrikes, Hans Bolter Tiger has the standard HE Stuka barrage.


    • #7926

      Maybe swap the m20 command vehicle and cav recon unlocks, and add WP off map only with the m20 ordnance unlock. I am fine with it.

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