AVRE findings and other bits with combined ops

Home Forums General Discussion Bug Reporting AVRE findings and other bits with combined ops

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    • #10150

      Throwing it into the bug reports due to odd behavior that was found:

      -AVRE can one shot Defensive concrete bunkers, but only through lucky side shots and rear shots.
      -The AVRE does a 1/4 of the bunkers max health as damage frontally, but when shot from the side and rear (getting a “rear critical” on the bunker) it kills it in one shot.
      -The bunkers take 2 satchel charges, or 1 engineer demo charge to kill
      -The 95mm centaur does nearly negligible damage to the the bunkers, front and rear
      -290mm also has less than expected AOE for a HE charge, only managing to kill around 2-3 full squads, and dealing damage to some surrounding squads, when the round lands in the center of the group.
      -290mm failed to down a telephone post it hit instead of a bunker (blast proof telephone post)
      -290mm dealt a satisfactory amount of damage to an elefant, frontal hit, gave it one crit, and did not stun the crew in 2 shots frontally. Rear hit immediately destroyed it and caused a fuel explosion, alongside many crits on the wreck.
      -As a note, the 290 does 130mm of penetration as a HE shell, the 95mm centaur does 110 with its HEAT shell, so any rear shots on ANY big German cat, is an instant kill with the AVRE.
      -in comparison, the AVRE does as much frontal penetration as the 105 sherman with its HEAT shell, and the AVRE is using nothing but sheer High Explosive power.

    • #10183

      edit- wrong thread

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by 123nick.
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