Another reason why lower tiers aren't used: Infantry damage

Home Forums General Discussion Balance Discussion Another reason why lower tiers aren't used: Infantry damage

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    • #7863

      While most the units and pieces of artillery are hard hitting in Wikinger, long range is very much mediocre even for the units that should be good at it. Now i’m not trying to recreate spearhead at all, but a little buff would do especially for German infantry who gets wrecked at every corners by riflemen and other specialized British infantry. I have a dream that someday in this mod it’s not going to be about rushing flamethrowers straight to the enemy’s line. That shouldn’t happen. The rifle infantry should be able to pick most of a squad before being reached by the flamethrower.

      • This topic was modified 6 years ago by Sun1praxis.
    • #7865

      And with MG’s, rushing toward a squad with a flamer usually does not work, unless its an assault squad like rangers or falls, which I can agree, is a little BS. But I agree with your point about the kar. It is a little underwhelming right now, especially in the hands of more experienced infantry

    • #7867

      @Sun1praxis I can agree with you with the long range damage of rifles. All those weapons needs some calibration like I said in other post. Sadly this will not happens until the end of 2019. We need to finish all the factions. I will try to implement some changes on the flamethrowers because right now they are Over Power 😉

      Regards, Olhausen

    • #7878

      What do you mean by “low tiers”?

      All in all I agree, I would like to see effective long range. Especially with so many multiplayer maps being urban, it can be hard to use the base Volks or Waffen grenadiers as effectively.

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