A formal apology

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    • #2913

      In light of my harsh comments yesterday a certain member of the community by the name of imperious reached out to me and stressed some of my concerns. To him I owe this post and my gratitude. We played a very enjoyable game with… Wuderwaffe.

      Now I do apologise for my comments and their harshness. Those comments were the fault of tilting and ignorance on my part and I should not have come here angry. I don’t mean to in any way to undermine what this team has achived. With that said what you guys are making here is unique. I still have concerns, but I know they are all getting adressed in due time.

      The atmosphere created by this mod and it’s historical accuracy are both dead on and that’s what drew me to begin with. I love it. I will try to play wayyy more with other players… May the internet connection gods bless this endeavor.

      What struck me the most was the communities reaction. You guys could have easily told me to go **** myself and called it a day. You didn’t. A member of the team put aside his time to shown me the way to play this mod. I appreciate that. Thanks. There is no community other than this one that would have done that. Thanks olhausen, monalong, lorarius, and especially imperious (and to anyone I missed… I know I’m forgetting someone… Sorry!)

      So in light of all that… I consider my LONG LONG hiatus… Over.

      The death kitty has come to stay.

    • #2914

      Shortest hiatus in history! Really happy to see that you managed to get some instruction from the community! 🙂

      Looking forward to seeing you around more and more!

    • #2915

      No Problem Death If u need anymore help with any of the Doctrines Lemme know 😉 Big Hug Imperius ^^

    • #2916

      Yes… lets start with

      a.) all the other doctrines.

      b.) An idea i have: it involves slingshots

      c.) how the heck do i make my avatar/image next to my name work.

    • #2917

      A: No problem at all anytime

      B: Write me a PM let me know what it is,

      C: Click on your name and than edit Profile

    • #2929

      Death_Kitty, I am glad you are back and also very thanksfull for your kind words.

      And thanks for this post also, it shows some characteristic size (not sure if there is a term like that in English, in German it just means you are not a “hide-away-person”).

      Thanks Sean for sharpening Kitty’s claws 😆

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Lorarius.
      • #2932

        Always Lorarius ^^

        always helping u know how i am And murdering ur fallschirmjager

    • #2936

      If you need advices or help how to play a doc,add me on Steam or write a PM.

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