90mm gun penetration

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    • #5987

      I was playing armor doc, and by chance looked at the wolverine to see its penetration compared to the jackson… and that got me thinking…

      The wolverine has 149mm of penetration, non HVAP. The Jackson has 148mm (also non HVAP). That struck me as odd, and the wolverine uses a much shorter weapon, thus lower muzzle velocity, and also a much lower caliber weapon. I did a quick search on it, and found some penetration tables, the first from here: http://www.theshermantank.com/tag/m3-90mm/. The ranges were a bit long for wikinger (I think) So i looked for something more complete.

      Wikipedia, which is a bad source, I know, but I found a more thorough table, which appears to have been cited from a book: “Bird, Lorrin Rexford; Livingston, Robert D. (2001). WWII Ballistics: Armor and Gunnery. Overmatch Press. p. 63”


      I was just wondering if anyone could direct me to a site with more info, or take a look at these numbers (or even find said book). The Jackson’s (and by extension, Pershing) weapon look to be much lower pen. than it should be. This might be something to be pushed up. If so, this will make armor the only doc to be able to “safely” take on a king tiger from the front without having to use abilities, as the KT has 150 mm front armor (180 on the LATE MODEL turret, but lets play nice) (http://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/ww2/nazi_germany/Panzer-VI_Konigstiger.php) and the KT should not be able to 1 hit a Pershing from the front. (A much needed buff to the Pershing and Jackson, if anyone were to ask me.)


    • #5992

      While these stats for the 90mm are correct they are against vertical plate, most testing was done against 30 degree plate which is why it is a bit misleading.





    • #5999

      In fact in current game condition most us tanks/tank destroyers have better gun performance then they did in reality. It’s mostly due to availability of hvap rounds that is high beyond the factual level. Moreover in upcoming patch there will be three pershings available to the player which makes about  1 out of 7 parts of all american pershing tanks that actually seen combat in Europe.

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